Where do we go from here? How does a (truly) Independent Candidate not get lost, pushed out of what is supposed to be By the People for the People style of electoral government? The Libertarian is pretty much a joke on the political stage and if you have your own deep pockets the Bleeding Heart Honkies combat you with their ads linking you to the right, the right cries that third parties just steal their votes. In truth, it's time for new revolution. And by that I mean a voter revolution. We need to stop listening to the propaganda that both parties shove down our throats on a daily basis and sweep out every single one who is up for reelection; stop voting party lines because neither party really has our interest at heart. And keep doing it until we the people finally get the government the America needs. Not the long term, professional jack-holes that plague the system we have now. Only then will we really see Hope and Change.
Friday, April 18, 2014
It's All About "Pay to Play" in DC & the Chicago Way Still Rules
Where do we go from here? How does a (truly) Independent Candidate not get lost, pushed out of what is supposed to be By the People for the People style of electoral government? The Libertarian is pretty much a joke on the political stage and if you have your own deep pockets the Bleeding Heart Honkies combat you with their ads linking you to the right, the right cries that third parties just steal their votes. In truth, it's time for new revolution. And by that I mean a voter revolution. We need to stop listening to the propaganda that both parties shove down our throats on a daily basis and sweep out every single one who is up for reelection; stop voting party lines because neither party really has our interest at heart. And keep doing it until we the people finally get the government the America needs. Not the long term, professional jack-holes that plague the system we have now. Only then will we really see Hope and Change.
Monday, March 10, 2014
CARICOM, The Slave Trade, and the Quest for Reparations
This form of new revenue? Slave Reparations.
"If you commit a crime against humanity" Prof. Shepard told The Telegraph, "you are bound to make amends."
In 1833, the British Parliament abolished slavery and it's form in the their colonies. In doing so, the Parliament paid out a compensation to the sugar growers at the time worth around 2 billion in today's economic market. Now, CARICOM, is using that as the base of what they feel is their rightful settlement. Being that they have never received any amount for their time in servitude.
British merchants lead the way in the mid-18th century, surpassing the Dutch and the Portuguese (who pioneered the Atlantic Slave Trade), displacing around 3 million Africans, shipping them through ports of call throughout the Americas and Caribbean. While the economies of these countries at the time soared, is it the problem now, some 180 years later, that the European countries should pay for? Slavery can not be blamed for poor economic choices that CARICOM governments make. And their are some in the international law community that see the lawsuit as nonsense. Stating that regardless of the it's evils, slavery was legal under British law at the time.
British hereditary peer and barrister, Lord Gifford, states the opposite. [Lord] Gifford, who advises for the Reparations Committee says, "There is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity. The claim is soundly based. The the slave trade breached the natural law of free man."
One also has to ask the question of: should it be beholden to innocent people because of what, perhaps, their great-great grandparents had done? If that is the case then one can look at just about any family in history to find a law suit.
Let us not confused this with the German reparations to the Jews over their treatment during World War Two. It is a very different thing. We can still find --and are still finding-- persons that committed those acts against humanity alive today.
Most countries have no problem with the fact of bringing people of this ilk to justice. The thing is: those who acted within the slave trade have been long dead and buried. Also, if CARCOM actually does receive financial reward, will it actually help those affected by the poor practices of their governments? Or will it be like it always is: the ones that need it most get the shaft and the ones in power get to keep having? Because we all know of the corruption that takes place in the Caribbean Government Houses.
Until next time...
Thursday, February 13, 2014
How the Worm Turns: Part Duex: Obama 2008: Bypassing Congress Unconstitutional
Here's a thing, if you want to be a leader then fucking lead. That means don't go on the campaign trail (especially when you're done this time you're done, no more running for the top of the collective American heap) to bitch about the other side of the aisle. (And that really goes for both parties.) Stay in DC and hammer it out. Like a real leader. Because you can't have it both ways. Even-though that is what you want. Same goes for the filibuster. You can't use it over and over again just to bitch that the other side of the aisle is using the same tactic against you when you hold power.
It's time for those of you elected "officials" to pull your heads out your asses for the good of the country and not the good of your moronic party. And it's time for us that elect you assholes to pull our heads out of asses for the good of the country and not the good of the party you think is better than the other. Because in truth they are one in the same and pretty much suck equally.
2012 election,
2016 for President,
Barack Obama,
Democratic Party,
George Bush,
Hillary Clinton,
hope and change,
Joe Biden,
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Barack Obama 2004 Interview; How the Worm has Turned Since in Office
Most of the interview is pretty soft ball, with questions like "Who is Barack Obama?" Which has Obama answering jokingly about how his name is mispronounced. How people like to say: Yo-Mamma or Alabama. Then he goes on to say that his name means "One who's blessed" in Swahili.
Obama then goes on to talk about his father and mother and where they met and how he grew up in Hawaii and then onto his education. It's definitely an interview where most people have no idea who the hell he is and he knows it. Which is rather funny since he is --at the time-- a State Senator. Not only that but teaches constitutional law at the University of Chicago. The Democrats, however, did make Obama a household name after making him the keynote speaker at the Presidential Convention.
(The Democrats did achieve victory against Miguel Estrada, successfully blocking his nomination on the grounds that he was unqualified and extreme.)
Obama also goes on to talk abut education, and how that most people's complaints about the education system are in the form of how bad the Chicago Schools are. Oddly enough that concern didn't stop him from placing Arnie Duncan, then the head of the Chicago School District, the head of the nations school system.
Give the video a go, see how then Barack Obama idealism faces up with today's version on the man. See how the worm has turned from then to now.
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