Thursday, February 13, 2014

How the Worm Turns: Part Duex: Obama 2008: Bypassing Congress Unconstitutional

Back in 2008, when then Senator Obama was running for top dog of the U. S of A, he ran on the point that skirting around congress and going the executive route was not only wrong but unconstitutional (if you don't believe me, watch the video below). Funny, not 5 years later we now find Obama doing what he bitched about Bushy-boy doing: skirting around congress because it won't work with him. So my question is: why is good for the Obamanator and not for the Bush?

Here's a thing, if you want to be a leader then fucking lead. That means don't go on the campaign trail (especially when you're done this time you're done, no more running for the top of the collective American heap) to bitch about the other side of the aisle. (And that really goes for both parties.) Stay in DC and hammer it out. Like a real leader. Because you can't have it both ways. Even-though that is what you want. Same goes for the filibuster. You can't use it over and over again just to bitch that the other side of the aisle is using the same tactic against you when you hold power.  

It's time for those of you elected "officials" to pull your heads out your asses for the good of the country and not the good of your moronic party. And it's time for us that elect you assholes to pull our heads out of asses for the good of the country and not the good of the party you think is better than the other. Because in truth they are one in the same and pretty much suck equally.