Friday, April 18, 2014

It's All About "Pay to Play" in DC & the Chicago Way Still Rules

It's increasingly becoming more and more difficult for the general layman not associated with one of the political heavy weights who continue to keep a stranglehold on American politics to get his hat in the ring, his own voice heard without selling his soul. And on March 26th, 2014 the [American] Supreme Court made it clear that is the way they like to keep it. On the 26th the Justices (in a 5-4  decision) voted down a decades-old cap upon which (tried) to control on how much an individual can contribute in a two year election cycle. Citing Free Speech Issues. Seeming a political victory for the Koch Brothers and the Citizens United -- Citizens United who brought about the challenge of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (aka: the McCain-Feingold Law) that limited what is termed as soft money in campaign financing by prohibiting national political party committees from raising or spending any funds not subject to any funds not subject to the federal limits on both state and federal levels, and prohibited the running of advocacy ads mentioning a federal candidate within 60 days of a general election that is paid for by a corporation (including non-profit issue organizations) and unincorporated entities using corporate or Union treasury funds-- much to the (faux) chagrin on the Left side of the aisle who cried foul at the ruling. All-the-while, however, the Left side began to ramp up its own fundraising, calling out their own versions of the Koch Brothers who have deep pockets all their own.

The Bleeding Heart Honkies would like us all to believe that it is simply a right-side-of-the-aisle issue when it comes to rich donors. As it turns out, it seems that the left has pretty much outpaced the right with 1 % (Percenters) forking over multimillion dollar checks. Just a couple weeks ago Obama hosted (along with his old buddy Mayor (Emperor) Rahm Emanuel) two dinner parties in Chicago the cost of which was in the tens-of-thousands a plate. And with the current regime's policy of transparency the press wasn't invited to the big one with the real deep pocket donors. According to finical reports the left has raked in cash at a 3-1 pace against their rivals. And both PAC entities are set to rack up around a billion dollars for their efforts by the time the election gets into full swing.

Once again we find that if you don't have big backing money, well, you're are just not needed to come play in the hollowed hallways of government that is Washington DC. But if you think that it's only at the federal level you are going to be sorely disappointed. Both Political Parties are increasingly stuffing money into campaigns on many state levels as well as the march of the billionaire greenbacks finds its way to city halls and usually meaningless state races.

Where do we go from here? How does a (truly) Independent Candidate not get lost, pushed out of what is supposed to be By the People for the People style of electoral government? The Libertarian is pretty much a joke on the political stage and if you have your own deep pockets the Bleeding Heart Honkies combat you with their ads linking you to the right, the right cries that third parties just steal their votes. In truth, it's time for new revolution. And by that I mean a voter revolution. We need to stop listening to the propaganda that both parties shove down our throats on a daily basis and sweep out every single one who is up for reelection; stop voting party lines because neither party really has our interest at heart. And keep doing it until we the people finally get the government the America needs. Not the long term, professional jack-holes that plague the system we have now. Only then will we really see Hope and Change.