Monday, November 19, 2007

My Sad Little Life

“I said get out of here, didn't ,” With those words she hurls me out of the kitchen. Just sends me flying into the living room.“I’ll feed you later.”

The chair creaks as she sit down, turning all her focus back to the TV. Really, how long would it take to just give me some food? Any food. Then she could give her attention back to the mindless chatter emitting from that box. I sometimes fantasize about running away, making her feel bad about how she treats me. But I know she wouldn't care. She'd give a cursory look around the yard to see if I was hiding outside, and that would be it. She wouldn't even shed a tear.

I walk away feeling completely dejected. All I can think about is the rumbling coming from my stomach. Maybe if I lie down I'll feel better. At least if I'm sleeping I can't think about food, right? I crawl into the soft bed--my favorite place of late--still unmade from this morning. I don't care. It's where I want to be right now. An hour later I hear her. It seems to come from miles away. The voice that I'm starting to get so tired of.

“You’re such a lazy shit you know that?" Before I can move I'm wrapped up in the blankets. Great. This again.. She knows I hate it when she does this. I've voiced my complaints on more than one occasion. “Who do you think you are? Huh?" She roughly tosses me around the bed." Huh?" Back and forth. Back and forth." Huh? Sleeping in my bed." She finally stops and after a terrifying moment of closterphobiea, I'm able to get my head clear of the blanket. Before I'm able to get all the way out she wraps me up again. This time my head is exposed. I struggle to get free of her, but her grasp is vice like; tight around my body. The more I struggle, the more she laughs. What great fun. I so hope she’s enjoying herself. She loves to torture me so. Maybe I'm in luck, and when she's done getting her rocks off I’ll be able to eat. Maybe. She releases her grip and I scrabble to get away. But I'm not fast enough. She swats me on the ass and sends me rolling off the bed. I land with a thump on the floor and run from the room.

" I don't know why I put up with you," She calls out to me as I dash down the hall, eager to away. Hoping upon hope that it’s time to eat." All you do is eat sleep and shit. You're no use at all." Then as I turn the corner:" Maybe I should give away like I did your sister. What do you think of that?"

Ah, my sister. I miss her. I know I'll never see her again. I just hope that she’s found a better life. A better life than the one she had here.

I remember the day she was sent away, like it was yesterday. I remember Mom--Her word, not ours-- screaming. We ran and hid. My sister had made another mess and we both knew there'd be hell to pay. The thumping of her feet. Boom! Boom! Boom! Then I heard a different scream; a high pitched shriek of my sister, as Mom grabbed her by the back of the neck. She must have squeezed hard. I have never heard her howl like that before.“Do you want to see what you did you little bitch! What you keep on doing, and doing!" Mom yelled, as she dragged her back to the mess she had made. And then she was gone. My beautiful sister was gone. I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye.

I finally get back to the kitchen, and sure enough there isn't any food.

“What’s the matter? You look as if you were expecting something."

I turn around startled. I didn't hear her come up behind me; too focused on food." Aw, how cute. You look so sad." Her laughter follows her as she walked away. Then, I hear the white noise machine, it’s low hiss filling the house. Must be nap time. And I'm the lazy one!

The shadows on the floor grow long as the sun makes it's way across the sky, sending day into evening. Dear old Mom was still in bed. Must have had too much afternoon wine. I laugh. I just had the craziest thought. I try to talk myself out of it, but I'm already on the move; stalking to her door, looking for a way in. Ah! Her door isn't completely shut. With an agile move, I slip inside, barely touching the door. There she is, I can see her form in the darkness, chest rising up and down with every breath. I creep onto the bed then her chest and move to her face where I sit, looking into her cruel ugly face. I'm so close that with each breath my hair brushes against her. I guess that's what wakes her.

"Huh? Wha--? Fluffy?"

What's the matter Mom? Cat got your tongue.With a snarl I extract my crawls, and dive for her face. This feels so good.

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