Thursday, October 6, 2011

Spare Some Change

If it isn’t bad enough that you have some asshole with a piss and water filled squirt bottle in one hand and a crinkled up dirty news paper that he probably uses to wipe his ass with in the other trying to wash your windshield or that poor dirty guy with a sign telling the world that he’s hungry at just about every on/off ramp that takes you into just about any city?

But now it almost seems if you can’t go anywhere anymore without running into another kind of beggar, a “corporate” beggar or some school or kids sports team at just about every stop light and almost every store you come out of. And with the approach of the holiday season there are going to be twice as many out there asking you to spare some change, trying to make you feel guilty that you say no.

Well I say: “Fuck You!”

I’m done with giving every fool (with the exception of the Vets) anything any more. I mean, Jesus. Who has job nowadays? And you expect me to hand out what ever change Obama and crew hasn’t stolen from my pocket yet.

Then you have the idiot media feeding into there woos with news story upon news story (especially during Christmas) on how no one’s giving anymore. We have all become selfish bastards, think of the children.

So please, just please can we have a year that I don’t have to deal with it. The answer will be no, I already know. And people are going to tell me I’m a heartless jerk. That’s fine. But I’m a heartless jerk because I’m broke. Where’s my hand out?

“So. Can you spare some change? I need to pay for my kids school and Christmas”

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