Friday, January 11, 2013

Guns & Morons In America: Who Needs Real Facts When There is a Soapbox

You have to love the NRA & Wayne LaPierre in general saying that Joe Biden and his “Task Force” on GUN CONTROL did not wan to listen to anything he [LaPierre] or his organization [NRA] had to say. I mean, who thinks that the Democrats are even worried about writing any new laws? Because, like the new health care (Obamacare) laws were, they are already written. They have just been sitting around (like versions of Obamacare) in someone’s drawer somewhere waiting for the right President, Congress, & events to take place. This committee all just a dog and pony show for us.

I do not want to come as a wild eye conspiracy theorist like that of Alex Jones. Because again lets face the facts: the only reason that fool saw the light of day on the Piers Morgan Show was because he is a raving lunatic. And he proved Morgan’s point that he wanted to make that most GUN OWNERS and those apposed to any new laws on guns are crazy. (I have to go on side note here and say what a 2 faced asshole Piers Morgan actually is. Yesterday (01/10/2013) Morgan was on the CBS Morning Show being interviewed by Charlie Rose and [Piers] Morgan told him that: “I don’t want to take an American’s Right away to defend him or herself in their home or defend their family. That is a sacred right and I understand that and respect it.” However on his own show Piers Morgan said to Larry Pratt the Executive Director of Guns of America on the very same issue and thing that he [Morgan] himself said on The CBS Morning Show about how he understood and respected it, Morgan said to him [Pratt]: “You are an unbelievably stupid man aren’t you?” So which is it, Mr. Morgan? Do you respect my sacred right (your words) on being able to defend my home with a firearm or am I a stupid man for wanting to have that (sacred) right? But I digress.) So now gun owners are painted out as clowns and nuts (thank you Alex Jones). And the NRA (LaPierre in general) has not helped that one bit. Other that to help prove the point of Piers Morgan. Do we need armed guards in schools? No. The fact is that out of the supposed 10,000 plus gun violence victims a year the percentage of school shootings is actually quite low. And in the last 22 years (from 1980-2012) there were 137 deaths contributed to school shootings (SLATE). While, yes, that is horrible and WAY to high a number but compare to ALL the other violence that is taking place in schools I think that the last thing to worry about is a school shooting. Especially in an affluent (WHITE) neighborhood. sourced The Department of Education & the Department of Justice saying that of the school year 2009-2010 (the latest stats released) there were 1,183,700 violent crimes in or schools (73.8% of all public schools). These crimes include rape (600 cases), sexual battery (3,600 cases), physical attack (fight) with and without a weapon (a weapon can be considered anything that is used to attack or defend with)(14,600 cases), threat of physical attack with or without a weapon (19,200 cases), and robbery with or without a weapon. I think that we have much more to fear for our children than school shootings. But we never here these stats about our schools and our children’s safety because the Biden Task Force or that of the news media, sensational soap box grandstanders the likes of Piers Morgan do not wan to push any other agenda other than gun control. In fact since 1990 the FBI reports that crime is actually down 50% in the United States.

Feel free to watch the video that not only outlines violent crime in America but also provides stats for the United Kingdom (Great Britain) (Piers Morgan’s home country) as well. I am in no way affiliated with the makers of the video.

I fail to see why it is my fault as a legal gun owner that I have to be punished for someone else’s short comings. But I do think there should a little better system in place. And with states wanting to give rights to the conceal and carry laws I think people should have to take a gun safety and gun knowledge class. Add on a CQC (Close Quarters Combat) class for anyone wishing a conceal/carry permit. This all goes on top of background checks that are already in place. Again lets be real. I know there are plenty that think that if there was at least one person in the audience for the Aurora Colorado Theater shooting there would be less dead. Not exactly true. It takes a lot for a “normal” person (and when I mean normal, I mean normal. Someone that isn’t or hasn’t been shot at) to react to a firefight. Especially in a dark theater with people running and screaming. Now add 2 or 3 extra guns in the mix in untrained hands and the death toll more than likely rises. Not only that but you will probably have a firefight between 2 people that are actually trying to prevent what is happening.

It is time to bring a little common sense back to us all.

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