Thursday, March 31, 2011

"What's The Matter?"

I hardly noticed that Margie had even crawled into bed with me, or as she rubbed her breasts against my back as she slid in close too me, nor her warm breath upon my neck, not even her hand as it skimmed across my arm, over my chest to cross my stomach lightly. No. No the first real inclination that I wasn’t alone any longer was when I felt her grab a hand full of my cock, which in turn she got a lot of, well, a whole lot of nothing. Nadda. No stirring in the loins, no perky hardness. No, just me limp in her hand.

“What’s the matter?”

“Huh?…What?” was about all I can manage at this hour, having been in deep sleep mere seconds ago. One moment I’m sitting in a bar that opens up on to a beach, the cool ocean air blowing in upon my face and the next I’m looking into almost complete darkness in a state of confusion.

My cock flops around uselessly in Margie’s hand as she juggles my junk as asks again: ‘What’s the matter?’

“What’s the matter? Nothing’s the matter. Why would there be anything the matter?”

“Well, there was a time when just getting into bed was enough to get you hard, and now here I am rubbing my tits against your back, grabbing your balls and I get… nothing.”

I roll over on to my back to face her. My eyes having finally adjusted to the dark and being awake. “Listen, nothing’s wrong. Really. I was dead asleep. That’s all. Nothing more. Nothing less Okay?”

Margie’s outline stairs back at me, but I don’t need light to know what her face looks like: brow furled, biting her upper lip as she thinks about what I just said. And I’m hoping that’ll be enough to sedate her; lull her into just going to sleep, because otherwise this will go in one of two ways: either she’ll still want to have sex, something I’m usually down with, but I had a long day yesterday and I have to get up early with the fact that today will be just as long, the plus side too that is at least I can hurry it along, or, the one I’m most worried about, is that Margie’s going want too have ’The talk’ because she thinks that a) I’m not attracted to her any longer, or b) I’m seeing someone else. Then any thoughts of actually going back to sleep for another couple of hours will disappear, lost to an endless debate of nonsense and speculation that will probably last for days. So I’m hoping for the latter because it’s gone past the point of her of just calling it quits and going to sleep.

As I think about a prevented strike -going in for the sex for before Margie has time to think things through my heart sinks. She removes her hand from me, and at first I think with a flicker of hope that maybe disaster has bee averted only too only watch her instead of lying down prop her head up on one hand, pull her legs up together and wrap her free arm around them.

“So, what’s the matter? Really?” I have too strain to hear Margie as she says this and now I know how it‘s going too be The only thing going through my mind now is: fuck fuck fuck

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