Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hickory Creek Winery (Review)

I found Hickory Creek Winery back in 2006 the year they first opened strictly by accident as I cruised the along what I thought was a little used but actually was a well traversed Michigan back road, lost, as I tried to (wrongly I might add) retrace my way to the Round Barn Winery from my last trip along the Lake Michigan Wine Trail but had instead taken a wrong turn or two somewhere along the way only to come across a large flag with the word OPEN upon it.

A small tasting room connected to the vats storage sat at the end of a long gravel/dirt driveway that cut through the rows upon rows of grape vines along with a cozy little house I later found out was for rent on a weekend/weekly basis to whoever had wanted to rent it.

We parked in an nearly empty lot at the time, now however it depends on the time of day and year if you get to be so lucky, and once inside I found an Aussie who went by the name Mike tending bar, alone. Turned out my new bartender bud was also co-owner and chief wine maker of Hickory Creek, and was more than kind enough to take us on a little tasting tour of his wines. All of them. They were mostly white at the time, being that most of his reds were still barreled, but Mike assured us that soon they would be ready too go. And they are. Now when you go there, there is well mix of whites and reds to choose from.

Since then, Hickory Creek is on my must stop list and is generally my first stop when I do the wine tour. I prefer their Chardonnay to anyone else's and I hate Chardonnays so that should tell you something, but whatever your taste I‘m sure you can find something that will sooth your appetite for wine. But be prepared to spend a little cash doing so. The Hickory Creek’s cheapest bottle is over ten dollars.

Unfortunately, Mike is no longer tending the tasting room, but he has been replaced by a very nice lady by the name Rosemary (I believe) and she is more than happy to let you sample to hearts desire.

You can find Hickory Creek at 750 Browntown Road Buchanan, Michigan


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