Friday, September 7, 2012

CRAIGSLIST = Zero, Nada, Nothin’

In today’s awesome climate of crap that comes to job searching people turn to all different means of applying and/or getting their names and themselves out there thru a variety of different avenues. One of which would be the ever popular CRAIGSLIST, where a person and/or businesses can post ads explaining what they want and need and what they are looking for.

So as I am one of those poor and unfortunate fools looking for a another job I said: “what the hell” and started applying via that way [CRAIGSLIST]. Hitting all the jobs I was qualified for, all of which came up to ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’.

Okay, that can be expected. Jobs are tough to get by these days so I kept at it to more of ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’.

I mean I got NOTHING. Not a single reply except for the occasional email kick back stating that they had received my email.

After a couple of weeks of this ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’ I started thinking on just how many people actually get real jobs off of CRAIGSLIST. I know thru a friend that it is possible to get the random day gig for something because this is how he makes a living, however, that is not what I want. I, like the other 20+ million unemployed people in this nation, want something that at least resembles a REAL (9 to 5) JOB. I’m told they are out there, but I just don’t know where.

So I ran a little experiment. I applied for all the jobs. And I mean ALL of them. Every time there was a new post I would apply. I even went as far as to tailor my emails and resume to make it appear that I was more than qualified for the job. It didn’t matter what the job was. You needed a wedding DJ, I’m your man; you needed a warehouse guy, I’m your man; you needed an intern to work in fashion for no pay, I’m your man. The list went on & on.

After two weeks of this my efforts still came up to ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’.

Not a single reply back.

I was like: “YOU have to be kidding, right?” And to be completely honest, I am not sure what it reflects. Does it reflect that CRAIGSLIST is the words biggest waste of time for searching for a job or is that there are SO MANY poor saps like myself looking that I, and people like me, just get lost in the shuffle?

But not to have a single reply?

Wait, I take that back. I did receive ONE reply back about being paid for writing reviews on the website YELP, a week later telling me to be patent & that since it was a holiday that they would be getting back to everyone after it. Here it is, now, a week after Labor Day, the holiday that was holding them up on doing anything, & still ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’.

Now I have used CRAIGSLIST before, posting an ad for actors when I was filming my defunct film to a wide response. All of which [the emails I received] I contacted whether I thought they would fit or not, either explaining where & when to go for the audition or explaining that they were not what I was looking for. And we all know that prostitution does more than well since the government has made it their duty to clean up the site. So I know it is possible to find something via CRAIGSLIST.

Perhaps if I respond that I work for so may roses an hour I would have better luck.

But for now all I have to show for my time is ZERO, NADA, NOTHN’.

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