Friday, September 21, 2012

The Apple Doesn’t Fall to Far from the Hashish Tree: Fiona Apple Busted

Okay, I’m pulling an Anderson Cooper (talk show version) here with this one. But I thought it was too funny to pass up.

Remember Fiona Apple? Come on, you know you want too. The 1996 album “Tidal” help you out? Or how about the Grammy winning tune ‘Criminal’?

Well, whatever. For those of you that do, looks like Miss Apple is trying for a come back except she is doing it Snoop-Dogg style by getting busted in in the town of Sierra Blanca. This Texas town has an interesting habit of arresting musicians for the magic weed (the fore mentioned Snoop, along with Willie Nelson).

Apple, now 35, got nabbed carrying 4 grams of hash after her tour bus was stopped by Border Patrol agents at a check point and a drug sniffing poochie detected the stash in her bag & was released from the Hudspeth County Jail after posting bail. While pot is only a misdemeanor in the great state of Texas, however, Hashish in any amount is not. And is considered a felony according to the Texas Controlled Substance Act.

What does this mean for [Fiona] Apple? Probably nothing but her [Apple] publicist had no comment on the matter.

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