Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Like Wife, Like Husband: Sandi Jackson A No-Show At Meeting

It should come to no one’s surprise that 7th Ward Alderwoman Sandi Jackson (wife of Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.) was a no show at a Chicago City Council meeting today (her second in as many weeks) especially since it as come to light via “Wall Street Journal” that the Feds are looking into her role in her husband’s [Jesse Jackson] little spending spree via campaign donations.

In case you are living under a rock and do not know what is going on with the Jackson family it seems that Jesse Jr., son of activist reverend Jesse Jackson Sr., went on a little house decorating of his D.C. pad at, well, your expanse. His D.C. digs are believe to cost little over 2 million bucks. Also Jesse -that is Jr.- appears that he also bought a lady “friend” a $40,000 Rolex.

[Sandi] Jackson has been outspoken about her husband’s problems and has come off as a firm supporter of him as well (she has been overheard calling the press “JACKELS“). However, as more and more things come to light about his off the record “dealings” like his supposed possible plea deal that will find him loosing his [Jesse Jr.] re-elected seat -a seat that was believed that Sandi Jackson herself was going to go after. Although now with the Feds giving a look things might change on that front- we’ll see how “on board” she will remain.

But this new investigation does not leave [Sandi] Jackson with out friends. Outspoken Alderman Bob Fioretti talked about (to WLS 890AM Radio) the code of silence that the City Council [Chicago] has, saying: “We have a code of silence within our own council members ranks. So what's the code of silence then? Sometimes not criticizing our colleagues. We stay away from it.” Sandi Jackson has other allies as well in Council in the likes of the Chairman of the City Council’s Budget Committee Alderwoman (34th) Carrie Austin who states that in every marriage somewhere down the line, you think that your husband might fool around on you, but not necessarily commit adultery… “But now to have it all slammed in her face,” Ald. Austin goes on to say, “That has got to be humiliating… You fooled us all -including your wife.” ALD. Austin also goes on about  how she is angry that Jesse Jackson was [is] trying to work out a plea deal with the Feds. “We respected you were ill [We Said] ’Let the man heal.’ Then you come out with this poppycock?… a day after the election that you won handily with the support of us.”

It is going to be interesting to see how all this plays out and how quiet [Sandi] Jackson stays as it becomes more than apparent that some kind of wrong doing has taken place with the so-called “friend” her husband has. That, and just how involved she [Sandi] was with the misused campaign funds. To note: Sandi Jackson is paid $5,000 a month in salary from her husband’s [Jesse Jackson] campaign fund as she has acted as his spokesperson about his “illness”.

Cited Sources:
NBC Channel 5 Chicago
Chicago Sun-Times
WLS 890Am
ABC Channel 7 Chicago
Wall Street Journal

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