Saturday, November 10, 2012

Time is Tick… Tick… Ticking Away for Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Freedom

One day after Illinois’ 2nd Congressional District overwhelmingly elected themselves the dumbest humans on the planet Earth with their re-election of Jesse Jackson Jr., a man who has not been heard from, really, since June of the this year (along with not showing up on the House floor, and has missed 225 votes) as he… well we’ll get into that.

Hours after President Obama stood in front of Chicago, the country, and the world giving his exception speech rumors began to swirl around Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. and a possible plea deal with the Feds about his misuse of campaign funds (Sneed, Chicago SunTimes). The Feds are looking into allegations that Jackson went on a spending spree that included [Jackson] re-decorating his Washington D.C. home (reportedly worth 2.5 million) and the purchase of a $40,000 Rolex watch for a female “friend”.

Allegations of the misused campaign funds are actually added on top of allegations (and investigations by both the FBI and the House Ethics Committee) that Jackson had tried to purchase the Senate seat that Barrack Obama gave up when he was elected the Grand PooBah of the nation from NOW jailed Illinois Governor Blagojevich  back in 2008. Jackson has called these allegations false and that he has no knowledge of anything illegal. However, that remains to be seen because since Blagojevich has been imprisoned, Jackson has been seeking treatment at the MAYO Clinic for “bi-polar” disorder along with “gastrointestinal” problems.

But all this should be nothing new for Illinois’ Congressional 2nd District nor the people of Illinois itself.

If Jackson is found guilty of any of these charges he will be the second congressman in a row from that district (US-Il 2nd) to be convicted of a crime. Jackson moved into his seat when then Mel Reynolds was convicted of sexual misconduct, child pornography, and obstruction of justice when he was found to be having an affair with an underage campaign worker and bank fraud in 1995, with Reynolds as well misusing campaign funds for personal use. On top of that sad and funny truth is that Reynolds ousted the congressman before him (Savage) who was a target -as well- for the House Ethics Committee for allegations that he made improper sexual advances towards a woman on a trip to Zaire. (It is do to note that Savage was never charged with a crime.)

To add to the ever growing legal problems Jackson has, it appears that the Democrats are beginning to look at people who will replace him [Jackson] in Congress. If and when Jackson either pleads guilty or is found guilty it looks likely that the there will be a special election on the horizon, possibly sometime in March causing a no-hold-barred attack for the seat. Among some of the names being thrown around as possibles are Jackson’s wife and brother. Sandi Jackson is a 7th Ward Alderman in Chicago; Jackson’s brother, Jonathon, is the national spokesman for RAINBOW/PUSH (headed by father Jesse Jackson). Other viable candidates are: 9th Ward Alderman, Anthony Beale; State Senator Napoleon Harris, and Barrack Obama’s replacement Senator Kwame Raoul.

Jesse Jackson Jr.’s legal problems are just another notch in an ever growing list of defunct politicians in Illinois. The prior two Governors of the state (Ryan and Blagojevich) are currently behind bars.  

Other cited sources include, Chicago Sun-Times, WGN News, New York Times, Washington Times, Southtown Star    

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