Thursday, January 17, 2013

For They Who Shout the Loudest

I came across a post on FACEBOOK while wasting time (one of the main things FACEBOOK is best known for) of Glenn Beck with Tagline of: “Glenn Beck: Obama Destined for Prison.” It is of a video from back in October of Beck laying out the case for treason made by Obama against the United States with what happened in Benghazi, Libya, and that he was citing supposed evidence that slain Ambassador Stevens was in fact had been helping arm Arab Spring Protesters and Rebels in Libya and Syria. Many of whom are believed to be linked to terrorist groups such as al Qiada.

Okay. Here is the problem (other than is Beck is an idiot): No sitting President or former sitting President is going to EVER got to Prison (life is not the TV show “24“). Just look at Richard Nixon. The best you ever going to get is maybe an impeachment. And no I do not think that Obama is going to be impeached either. If we do find out that he lied about what went on and what he and his Cabinet knew and when, would it be such a surprise? Because if we have learned anything in the last couple of decades is that the real definition of the word Politician is that it means: person or persons that lie a lot; about everything at all times.

Then we come to the problem of today’s version of what Journalism is suppose to be and what it has unfortunately turned into because of the 24 hour News Cycle that anyone can access at anytime. I mean never mind checking sources and getting facts straight before airing something when you can just retract and apologize for it latter. This also why we get people like Beck and Chris Mathews and Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter and the likes of Piers Morgan -just to name a few. These self imposed people of importance that grandstand on the soapbox of whatever hot potato topic of the day is beating the drum idiocy for all those that listen. Today’s version of journalism and the news media has taken on the role of Town Crier and of whom can shout the loudest is the one that is obviously right and not that of the ones with the correct facts. Because it has all become about the ratings. And ratings means money and that is all these fucktards seem to see.

Catch you on the flip side…


Balaji G S said...

The problem with today's reporting is they either want to cook up stories or hypothesis or they show some stupid irrelevant news like some celebrity who got cheated by his girlfriend etc. Yeah there is no problem in showing celeb news but not a hundred times in a day. Come on what short of a difference would make to a common persons life.

Paul Dabrowski said...

Balaji: I totally agree with you there. I could care less that Kim Kardashian -or people like her- is having a baby. Or who is cheating on who But where things like that where fodder for some in the gossip mags, we have raised a generation where we have made these people important in some way. Some goes with celebs that are in Hollywood, or sports and whatnot. But Media (real media) saw that Celeb News Programs were getting big ratings, and media are all about the ratingd, it came apparent to them that this was the trend to on. The same goes with just making up stories to fit what is going on in hot topic issues. Being first means big ratings. And if they are completely wrong just retract and apologize if nessesary.

Thanks, Balaji, for the great comment.