Sunday, March 27, 2016

Election 2016: Bernie Sanders v The DNC

Apparently the DNC isn't Feeling the Bern.

Image result for Bernie Sanders caraturesThe Sanders camp filed paperwork on March 26, 2016 to continue their ongoing lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee over the incident from 3 months prior. Bernie Sanders arguing that the DNC barred his campaign unfairly from accessing voter information and how to reach potential democratic voters that is contained in the 50 STATE VOTER FILE that the DNC keeps.

The DNC contends that a campaign staffer for Sanders improperly accessed data that was for the Hillary Clinton campaign. (Sanders officials did admit that the access occurred and that it was done by mistake do to a glitch in the DNC server) Because of this event the DNC suspended the Sanders people from the server and list of voters at a critical time in December. The two groups came to a resolution a day later and Sanders was once again allowed to use the DNC data.

Although it didn't end there.

The Sanders Campaign files suit stating that the Democratic National Committee over reacted and harmed their ability to campaign equally against Clinton's. Also, Sanders lawyers are saying that the DNC is supposed to give notice of suspension prior to acting. Something that Sanders claimed never took place.

Image result for hillary clinton caricaturesBoth the DNC and the Sanders Campaign say things are going smoothly between the two, with Marc Paustenbach, the DNC Press Secretary, telling Political that "productive discussions" are under way for a settlement (Sanders is seeking $75,000 in damages) despite the accusations from critics of favoritism of Hillary Clinton and how that Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Shlutz, was the 2008 campaign co-chair for Clinton. Sanders' people and supporters also criticize Shlutz of having only 6 Debates between the two candidates and holding most of them on weekends where viewership would be low and would benefit the Clinton Campaign.

Image result for Debbie Wasserman Schultz caricaturesShlutz flatly disputes the accusations, saying in an interveiw with FOX NEWS "There is just no shred of evidence to suggest that I'm favoring Hillary Clinton..." Shlutz goes on to say that if was then she isn't doing a very good job at wrapping up the nomination for Clinton. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

White Collar Crime: Toys R Us gets Embezzled

Image result for toys r us embezzlementIf you walk into any Toys R Us facility whether it's a store or distribution center you can expect that there is that magical eye in the sky, big brother watching your every move, from customer to employee. You can also expect that there is a security guard wondering the area as well. This fact is most noticeable in the DC's where there are cameras on walls and posted on pillars throughout; uniformed security people making rounds to keep the goods safe from thieving hands even if those "suppose" thieving hands are that of the people they pay to load and unload and store their goods on shelves. With all of TRU's efforts to keep thieves at bay, maybe corporate should turn their suspicious eyes inwards, towards themselves.

Image result for toys r us embezzlementReuters reported on March 23, 2016 that Federal Authorities arrested one of Toy R Us's company directors of transportation for inbound and oubound freight. The director, according to the complaint filed, allegedly loaded the company's ECASH card  (ECASH cards are sort of like a company debit card) with funds that were suppose to go to truck driver accounts to be used for things like meals, lodging and repairs. The complaint claims that the director, whose name has been withheld, withdrew funds 117 times over the past three years (starting in May 2013), using ATM's both here in the U.S. and in Europe. The director is also said to have transferred $600,000 directly into his bank account over the same period of time. In total it is believed that up $2m had been taken.

Toys R Us released a statement saying:

"Because this is an active investigation, we are limited in what we can say publicly at this time. However, we can tell you that integrity is at the center of all that we do at Toys R Us..."

TRU's statement goes on to say that upon discovering that a criminal act had occurred that they immediately contacted law enforcement.

Image result for toys r us embezzlementHowever, this isn't the first act of this type of white collar crime to hit the TRU family. In September 2011 Toys R Us manager in Britain, Paul Hopes, embezzled $6m in funds to pay for sexual services. Hopes is currently is serving a 7 year term behind bars and has been ordered by British courts to pay back the stolen funds.

Hopes was a purchasing manager with TRU for 23 years.

Employees at one of the company's District Centers, speaking anonymously do to the fact that it is against policy rules to use social media and talk about the company, jokingly stated that they have been asking for higher wages " we know why they [TRU] keep turning us down."