Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Election 2016: Rubio gets TRUMPED in Florida

Time Magazine once proclaimed Marco Rubio the GOP's hope for the future. That future may now be in doubt as the the Republican Party's rising star went  supernova as Rubio found himself lambasted by Donald Trump in his home state of Florida last evening. Essentially killing any and all hope of getting to the Republican convention much less getting the party's nomination.

Rubio seemed somewhat out of place throughout the primaries, having only won a small handful of them. First taking the moral high road then getting into mud slinging, going tit-for-tat with the bombastic Trump then back to morals. And if we have learned one thing on the GOP voters they are not swayed by wishy washy  candidates.

What lies next for the Senator now is up in the air. Was his loss to Trump an indication that Florida voters are now looking towards a new person to fill his seat. If anything, Tuesday's primary shows that Marco Rubio may be ripe for the picking come his seats election time. Some rumors paint a different sort of picture. One that has the 44 year-old Cuban-American looking perhaps at a new commander and chief job. That of Governor of the state that had just sent him packing.

Will we see Rubio's star rise once again or will the man sink into the black hole of political obscurity? Only time will tell.

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