Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Trump Cruz'n to Victory?

With no surprise Donald Trump had a good Super Tuesday. Not great, but good with his seven impressive wins. Ted Cruz on the other hand went from survival to having a good night in the primaries with Marco Rubio --while finally earning his first win-- being less than impressive.

So where does this leave us?

With his wins, Trump appears to be on a clear path to the nomination of the Republican Party. And with the line being drawn with the March 15th primaries it looks like the RNC is changing strategies when it comes to taking on the front runner.

Lindsey Graham on Tuesday night suggested that it might be time to rally around Ted Cruz if they have any hopes in taking down Donald Trump. No small feat --and in truth, no small announcement. Especially when you look at Graham and his dislike of the Texan Senator.

If Super Tuesday taught us anything about Trump is that there are chinks in his armor. Possibly with his wavering on the KKK and David Duke endorsement of his Presidency. But if the RNC ends up pulling off a small coup and Cruz ends up taking a few of the winner take all states is it fair to say that come convention time, with Trump looking to unify and get backing from the RNC, that he may be forced to take Cruz as a running mate?

Only time will tell on that matter.

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