Friday, January 27, 2012

Tim Gunn, Making it Work. Well, Sort of

By now most of you have heard Tim Gunn’s admission that he hasn’t had sex in almost three decades as it has become fodder for most of the talk shows around the media world, with just about every type of so-called expert and idiot waying in on the pros and cons of such a thing.

And thankfully I’m one of those idiots that’s about to way into that subject. I know, you’re just chomping at the bit in anticipation.

And while I’m sure most of you are waiting for me to crack some nonsensical joke upon the subject, I say good for Tim Gunn. I can’t imagine (nor do I want too) what I could of accomplished in the last thirty years if I wasn’t constantly chasing sex in one form or another and from as many avenues (meaning with the fairer sex) as possible. Does that mean that I would go back in time and make the same choice as him? Absolutely not. But if Gunn is as happy and fulfilled in that choice then who are we to judge. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy choice for him to make or to say on national TV. Especially in a world (and we have to admit a sexual preference where males seem to be in over drive) that is over sexed at times and yet suppressed with a strange neo-puritan way of thinking. Particularly in the United States.

Well, I’m off. To seek another sexual tryst with my beautiful wife.

So, until next time…

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