Friday, May 18, 2012

Mmm... Tastes Like Chicken

You have heard of the saying: “All is fair in love and war. And buisness is war” But from the look of it Taiwanese business men are taking it one step further.

Chow Hok Kuen (28) was arrested earlier today on the charges that he planned to sell six roasted fetuses. The fetuses were recovered in Kuen’s Bangkok hotel room after a tip to police about a website advertising the sale of fetuses. When police searched Kuen’s room they discovered six roasted fetuses covered in gold packed inside his luggage. Kuen had planned to sell the fetuses in Taiwan because they could be used for black magic rituals because fetuses are believed to bring good fortune for businesspeople.

Kuen said that he could fetch up to 200,000 Thai baht ($6,300).

The British born Kuen is facing charges of hiding and covering dead bodies. If convicted Kuen could get a year behind bars.

The British Foreign Office confirmed the arrest and will provide consular assistance if necessary.

Where the fetuses came from is unclear.

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