Sunday, May 13, 2012

Are We Becoming an Overly Pop-Cultured Trash-bag Nation?

Yes I know, America has been obsessed with pop culture for ages. But lately it seems that we are taking the absolute worst pop culture has to offer and running away with it; Big Corporations taking it over and shoving endless things of pop culture shit down all our throats and having us think that this is what we need and have to have because it is “COOL”. And I know that is what big Business has been doing since the advent of the printing press.

But as I looked through today’s (05-13-12) sales papers, always on the look out myself for needless things I think that I should buy, I came across an add that is so vile, so needless that I have to rant.

While reality bullshit has been crossing over for a few years now, like with the Kardashian’s supposedly being fashion icons with their shitty clothing line that Sears is pawning off of on teens that don’t have a clue of what fashion is because their interpretation of fashion comes from that crap ass Kardashian TV show and other brain dead product placement shows like it that seem to ply the airwaves, however, while the Kardashians are actual people -stupid retarded people, they are still people. Now enter American Idol. That faceless bastion of asshole that plagues our television sets for far too long with their so called amateur singing contest, even though, it is pretty much fixed from the start because you can be a failed signer and still have a chance to be on the show, and the show’s producers already have it in mind what they want to put forth and make a star. These fucks have now come out with their own brand of clothing brought to you by TRAGET STORES. Awesome.

Now I can see if you are a designer on how you’d want contestants wearing your clothing the same way these artists all want to have a guest shot on performing because it’ll increase your sales. But what the fuck. Now these douche bags, while molding shit out of music and have your teens think how they want it, now have a new outlet of trash that, in truth, know nothing about other than they know that since their fucking name is on it stupidity will run out and buy it.

But who is to blame fro this? American Idol and other reality crap? Or is it us as the consumer?

I think the answer is two fold and both are to blame. If we as people are dumb enough to buy this crap then I guess they should be suave enough to give the idiots what they want. Because we seem to have raised a generation that is obsessed with pop culture -no matter what it is or how fucking dumb- and we no one to blame but our parents that helped start the idiocy process going.

So don’t feel bad when your idiot teen wants to be the next Snookie, auditioning for the latest fuck-head reality show where you can watch them drink themselves stupid, spread their legs for everything, and maybe make the next season on “16 and Pregnant” all the while wearing their brand new American Idol clothing.

Keep up the good work since channels like MTV (who no longer show any music videos in lo for reality television), BRAVO, and E who only do reality crap and the all the Nation channels who have reality shit in their rotations are always on the look out for new stupid individuals who are willing to what ever it takes for their 15 minutes.

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