Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What Number Makes a Tramp?

Earlier, while driving to Jewel for a much needed booze trip I happened upon a story so ridiculous -for today, anyway- that I need to vent.

Unfortunately I have to put on my “Sex In The City” panties for it… lol

The story goes: what number makes a woman a tramp?

I mean, what the fuck?! And this was coming from a woman no less. The female caller was concerned about a friend who recently broke up with their boyfriend and was sorta-kinda dating this new dude and she [The Caller] was sure that her friend was going to take it to the next level even though she had no thoughts of this relationship being a steady one, more of the rebound variety (one of my personal favs… lol). But [The Caller] stated this would be number ten on the DID LIST. And in all sense and purposes putting the friend in -dare I say it- double digit territory.

So the topic became: What number makes the woman trampy or slutty? Is it more than 10? 50? 100?

I know some stupid individuals (religion anyone?) think anything more than 1 is a slut. But come on. How practical is that? But seriously, what number defines a person’s moral aptitude when comes to sex? And why the fuck should there be a number.

Us guys can fuck, fuck, fuck away and never have to worry about being chastised for our sexual encounters. Hell, we are usually praised for them. So why can’t women be treated the same way?

So I say: women, don’t care about the number. It’s ridiculous to even have to worry about it. For the idiot man who says that he wants to marry a virgin: more power too ya. And enjoy that boring ass sex life. Well, that is until you get so bored that you start cheating on her with slutty tramps who know how to fuck.

I think women should experiment with sex. Experiment in great deal before thinking about settling down with anyone.

So the answer to the question of what number makes a woman a tramp? Who cares!

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