Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Generation F*cktard

Hunter S. Thompson proclaimed the 1980s to be the “Generation of Swine” assuming that the US social landscape was populated by greed and immortality of the obscene; Where Hunter Thompson saw “brainless freaks”, “money-sucking animals” and “greed crazed lunatics” this generation is made up of half-wits, inane no-doers; a generation that thinks that they are special for doing pretty much nothing. Just believing that since they are born they need to be followed. We have replaced our Hemingways, Brandos, and Einsteins with a new crop of “not-so-reality” stars the likes of which include Snookie, Jwow, and the Honey Boo-Boo clan. (And lets not forget Mtv’s new awesomeness of mental fucktards whose swimming hole is in the shadows of a nuclear power plant.) A generation shat forth from frothy vaginas of the swine that became over-barring soccer moms hell-bent on making sure that their crass little spawns did not have to do anything other than be famous. Because we all need to be famous, right? Never mind any of that being creative, or that of talent, or intelligence. No you just have to be able to video yourself doing the most moronic thing possible and not die, make funny monkey noises as you roll around drunk on the floor, or, hell, just make a sex tape with someone sort of kind of famous. Then sell it to TMZ and E!. The latter of which will more than likely give you your own television show. If not then there is always Mtv.

So it sort of surprised me that when El President-aye Obama, in his Inauguration Speech, said that this was this generation’s task to carry on what the pioneers began. Really, President Obama? Have you not laid eyes on the so-called role models that plague this generation? I know you are not that secular of a person, hidden away and only surrounded by cherry picked people. Hell, some of these idiots where actually part of your campaign.

I am not saying that this entire generation is completely made of up brainless retarded zombies. Not at all. I know that there are plenty of people that are talented, and creative, and smart. While some do break out from under the pile of shit of society’s fucktarded, we do not like to prop up most of them. As it is much easier to sit back and watch the carousel of clusterfuck that is “The Real Housewives of Whatever”, “Dance Moms”, and the ever awesome “Bad Girls Club”. Just to name a few.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

True true and more true. I used to believe in the future of the youth and I always tried to look at the positive. But it seems as though things are only getting worse. Not to be a downer, i've given up on this generation. The powers that be have a lot to do with the dumbing down of this generation because as you said, when Snooki and JWow are your role models, you're in trouble. I see no resolve in youngsters today and they seem to have a burning desire to be stupid and clueless, and the powers that be feed them a healthy diet of inane filth to satisfy any appetite.