Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Al Gore’s Got Nothing George Romero

I think Al Gore and his new fangled religion -yes, I said Global Warming is a religion, based on faith like any and all religions, and like any good religion it’s main purpose is to relieve you of your money. Why do I think way? Why do I think that’s the truth? Simple. Because as a species we’re pretty fucking stupid. Not just stupid, but arrogantly so. Yes we split the atom; conquered flight (sometimes); hell, we even put a man on the moon. But does that mean that we are smarter than we really are? That good-ol’-Al Gore knows all when it comes to our planet’s plight (he did invent the internet you know)? I’ll tell you one thing: Al Gore’s got nothing on George A. Romero.

Romero, you ask? The zombie guy? What can George Romero have that Al Gore doesn’t?

For one thing Romero was a prophet when came to the zombie apocalypse. And to prove that fact, there happens to be a number of them right outside the door I barricaded. Unfortunately not a very strong door to boot. And me with only a twelve gauge and a whopping six shells.

It all started as situations like this often do. With someone trying to play in God’s playground. And with any good mad scientist/Dr. Frankenstein wanna-be they let their little creation escape the confines of their lab; let loose upon the world to create all sorts of havoc, be damned us all. It didn’t take long for the world to descend into chaos; for us as a species to turn on ourselves when confronted with things that they couldn’t control. The world as we knew it came to a grinding halt three weeks ago. The first cases showing up in Los Angeles then spreading quickly up and down the West Coast. In just under a week the entire western half of the United States was under a military quarantine with new cases appearing in Canada and Mexico. It seemed that once the cat was out of the bag so to say, The Event -as termed by the Government- spread like a wild fire on a windy day. By the end of it’s second week it had stretched all the way to the Mississippi River. The major cities turned into blood baths and the suburbs didn’t fair much better. The stories that came out of the infected areas -no matter how hard the military tried to sequester any and all information -were almost unbelievable. How the dead walked, feeding upon human flesh. And those that were bit turned into…well, with a lack of a better word: a zombie. And if we thought we had it bad, the infection or event or whatever you wanted to call it tore through the third world. Unstoppable. Not long after that it started to appear in Europe. The world now truly condemned by it’s own stupidity. No more twelve dollars lattés, no more law suits and Prozac pushing doctors, no more gun-toting Hip gangster douche-bag wannabes, and sure as fuck no more of L. Ron Hubbard’s Hollywood clones. All flushed away; down the drain to gag and choke on life’s own shit.

Yesterday all communications, from TV, radio, internet, went off line. The phone systems went days ago like a whisper in the night; one moment you had them, then nothing. Nothing more to say. Nothing more to hear except gunfire and hungry growls from once loved ones. But if you’re reading this you know that already. But is there anyone left to read? Hell, does it even matter?

They’re getting closer now. The wooden door frame starting to crack and splinter; being pushed in by the hungry. Time to make a choice: take out five and use the last for me? or, just say fuck it and end it now? Either way it looks like I’m on today’s menu.
Fuck! Her they come.




Paul Dabrowski 11/2009


Asha said...

You had me at "George Romero". Sounds like you need to get your hands on a copy of Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide. Good luck fighting off the hordes!

Paul Dabrowski said...

lol...Already have it, Asha. So I'm all set for the Zombie Apocalypse