Thursday, April 11, 2013

Farrah Abraham: The Kim Jung-Un of Reality TV?

When Farrah Abraham, like the retarded North Korean Dictator, Kim Jung-Un, speaks people only half listen. And when she is done they just shake their heads and laugh. (As in the her latest attempt to keep her irrelevant self somehow relevant in the minds of the pop-culture world: Her “so-called” sex tape.) And that is the problem [Farrah] Abraham faces. Something she doesn’t like one bit.

Taking a page from other pop-culture nightmares in the likes of Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton (just to name two) who gained fame and notoriety with their own sex tapes, Farrah [Abraham] looks to want to try one as well. The problem is that, while the others who make tapes of the sexual adventures they partake in, usually make them with the thought of it never seeing the light of day (or so they say), she [Farrah] made hers with the full intention of it being “leaked” to the media. First it was played off that there wasn’t a tape. Hell, even her mom weighing in saying that her daughter wasn’t that type of person. Only to have those words thrown back into her face. Especially when sex tape co-star, Porn Actor James Deen got cornered by TMZ and he pretty much said that it was all a giant production.  

It has been a long and challenging career path Abraham has been on. First she appeared on Mtv’s 16 and Pregnant when she learned that she got knocked up by her, then, boyfriend. And where the other would be parents on that show fought with their baby-daddies, Abraham’s was deceased. Her sob story garnered her to appear on Mtv’s next installment: Teen Mom. Both programs showed the daily hardships of being a parent. And where, like before in 16 and Pregnant, Farrah rose above the idiocy that the other cast brought down about themselves, Abraham was the more responsible one; acting like a real parent. But by this time it seems that Abraham had caught the glitz-bug of the showbiz life. And when the show wrapped last August, it seemed that her career had wrapped as well as she fell to the wayside of things as her co-stars of the show made the rounds of the tabloid mag world with their exploits in inanity. Even though, still playing the good girl card, Abraham not only released a book entitled My Teenage Dream Ended she did what most pop-reality-stars do: put out a music video for a song that she wrote and recorded. When that seemed to be a quick flash in the pan Abraham came out with a pasta sauce. Which then lead to bikini modeling. But like many other wannabes her age, Farrah Abraham’s star just didn’t want to stay lit.

Feeling the sting of irrelevancy at the much benign age of 21, Abraham has now followed suit with her co-stars. First of which: late night lingerie parties at bars, making out with other girls. Then the DUI. All of which had her front page on TMZ. Although she fought that her actions were nothing. The DUI was a mistake the cops made because she was just moving the car from one parking space to another, and the whole party girl atmosphere was being taken completely out of context. Then the rumors of the tape. Of how it wasn’t true. That is until the “great woman, mother and entrepreneur” (Abraham’s quote. Not mine.), who, confesses that she made the tape for pure “personal viewing pleasure when she is older... so that she will have her best years to look back on”, dropped it that she was willing to part with it for a cool 2 million.

Nicole Clark, media activist and director of the documentary Cover Girl Culture stated that society has taught this young woman and many others that “shock and awe” gets attention. [Nicole] Clark goes on to say, “that being a sex object is highly valued by our culture. We reward immature and trashy behavior... glaze over and ignore those who are making a positive difference in our world. It is a sad reflection that many girls have learned from our society, over which Hollywood has a huge influence...

Clark is right to say it is sad. Especially when there is an entire new generation being raised not only by TV, but by parents that look at these individuals on these programs as something to be admired. When in truth all of them are far from it. But like I have stated before in other posts on this subject, people like Farrah Abraham or that of, say, Jersey Shore’s Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, lend me all the fodder I need for some of my fiction writing (or that of Blogging). Because, in truth, I love to write these types of characters. It is just too much fun.  

The Nicole Clark quote came from Fox News.Com’s “Mtv Star Farrah Abraham’s Porn Video ‘a new low of lows,’ Experts say by: Holly McKay,

Other sources include: TMZ and other Internet pages.

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