Tuesday, March 27, 2012

No Love for Bobby Brown as he is Arrested for DUI... Again

Nice to see that Bobby Brown is right side up when it comes to train wrecks and that he is still a fantastic roll model for his daughter, Bobbi Kristina.


Brown was pulled over for talking on his cellphone (what a stupid charge, but Cali is hurting for money) and subsequently taken into custody on Monday afternoon for DUI in Encino, California when Highway Patrol smelled alcohol on him.

Close friends to Brown have stated that he has been having a hard time dealing with the death of his ex-wife, Whitney Houston, in case you have been living under a rock, who died from drowning and cocaine addiction. This isn’t the first time Brown has found himself on the receiving end of metal bracelets. Brown was arrested in 1996 for DUI and spent five days locked up for it. He also spent time in jail in 2000 after a court ordered drug test came up positive for cocaine.

Lets see how long before he takes that last limo ride to the cemetery gates to join Whitney. At least the two of them will leave us another train wreck in the form of their kind-of-brother-loving-but-not-really-related daughter as she talks about getting into the show biz that made he parents into the shiny examples of parenthood that are.

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