Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thump! Goes The Party Upstairs


Pam’s fork stopped just short of her mouth as she gazed up at the ceiling for the ump-teenth time. A sour look glazed across her face as her food finally found it’s way home.

Another loud thump followed by raucous laughter.

“I guess we have new neighbors,” said Bob, trying to make light of the situation. He twirled his own fork through his pasta before placing it in his mouth, smiling at his wife as he chewed.

The condo above Bob and Pam Forsythe had been empty since they moved in two months before, much to Pam’s delight. They had lived in any number of apartments and they only seemed to have had problems with upstairs neighbors. And when they decided to finally buy something she wasn’t at all thrilled with the prospect of a condo, no matter how nice the neighborhood and building were. But with the shitty state of the housing and banking markets Pam finally broke down and told Bob to go for it. Besides, the market had to rebound sometime, right? And Bob kept telling her to just think of it as a starter home.

“Well, is it so hard to be a little courteous to the people that live around and below you?” Her statement was followed by screeching of a chair be pulled across the floor. Pam threw her fork down on her plate. “Oh for Pete’s sake! I think I’m gonna…” Pam started to rise from her chair, but Bob place a restraining hand on her arm. “What!” she said angrily.

“Wait--” Bob began.

“Wait for what? I think we’ve waited long enough.”

“Well if you’d have let me finish, I was going to say why don’t you let me go up there and say something. I don’t think that you’re in the right mood for it.”

“You’re damn right I’m not in the right mood for it.”

“That’s why I’ll go. Remember we have to live with these people, at least for a little while.”

“Make sure that you remind them of that when you’re up there.” Pam said as she sat back down and tried to resume eating. “No backing down like you always seem to do in confrontations.”

Bob shot her a pained look as he headed for the door. He hated it when she got like this. He loved his wife of more than six years, but at times ( like these ) she had a tendency to become a bitch. Something of which he would never say to her face, or anyone to else’s for that matter in fear that it might get back to her.

Bob stopped for a second as exited his unit, debating if he should use the elevator or not. The quickest way he figured would be the stairs. The door that lead to the stairwell was just to the left of his front door. He could take the stairs two at a time and be back lickity-split. That was probably the best way, get it over and done with so Pam could finally relax.

The door squeaked softly as he pushed through; his footsteps echoed as he went up the first flight, then the next. The strange thing was, as he entered the fifth floor hallway, for as loud as the party was in his unit, it was uneasily quiet here. Maybe he lucked out, Bob thought, and they decided to take their party on the road. He was about to turn back when he just caught the slightest bit of noise come from the other side of door in question. And before he even thought about what he was going to do or say ( that was the problem in not taking the elevator. He got there to quick and wasn’t prepared for what he was going to say. ), Bob raised his hand and knocked.

His first attempt was some what feeble. Trying to chicken out at the last minute, right before his hand meet the door, but he was too late and it made contact. Just then a scary thought entered his mind: if he ever wanted see Pam naked again he’d better man the fuck up. Now he knock with a little to much gusto as he tried to recover from looking weak and indecisive. The sound of his hand falls echoing through out the hall. Sweat began to collect on the back of Bob’s neck as he waited, feeling like an asshole now.

What am I? Bob thought. Knocking challenged?

As Bob waited, he tried to picture the layout with his mind’s eye. It would have to be some what similar if not exact to his own except for the furnishings. As he mused about it the door suddenly flew open, and Bob was taken back, unprepared for the sudden appearance and by the woman’s shear beauty. Blond hair was pulled back, cascading down the sides of her face and down her back. Stopping just above what was suppose to a mini-skirt but would have probably done a better job as a belt. Black garters streaked out from underneath, connecting to the tops of fishnet stockings that disappeared into what Pam would call a pair of black hooker boots. The half shirt she was wearing - if one could call it that - was so short that it barely came past her erect nipples, which poked out mockingly. For some strange reason the image of Winnie the Pooh flashed in his mind, and how the bear wore something similar in those kids cartoons. Bob wasn’t sure if it was the thoughts of an erotic female bear or if was the woman that stood before him or both. Possibly the latter. Either way he was rock hard.

“Hi…ah…” Bob’s voice caught in his throat as the exotic blonde’s eyes bore into him. It almost felt like she could see into his thoughts. And that wicked smile of hers didn’t help.

Bob began again. “Ah…Hi…My wife and I were wondering - we live downstairs, right below you - if everything was alright? We’ve been hearing a lot of commotion coming from up here. So I thought that maybe I should…ah…come up and check. Make sure you were all right.”

That smile again. “Aw. How sweet of you.” Laughter arose from inside, causing her to look back. Then she focused her attention back to Bob. “Would you like to come in? We’re, ah, having a little party here.” The blonde swayed slightly - in rhythm with some on music that she and she alone could only hear - as she hung on to the door.

“Um, no thank you. I was just here to make sure that you were all right.”

“Well then, as you can see, I’m quite alright.” She reached out and touched Bob lightly; her fingers just barley touching his chest but the reaction that it caused with-in him was unbelievable; an electric current seemed to flow from her fingers throughout Bob’s body. Pulsating his head, his groin. “But feel free to come back if you change your mind. We always have room for one more.” And with that, she closed the door.

Bob lingered in the hallway; staring at the closed door before him. Her vanilla scent still permeated the air, stirring up feelings as it did, and Bob felt as if he had been abandoned not just in life but spirit as well.

What had been dinner was now mushy noodles glued to one another with cold marinara as Bob pushed his fork through it. Their conversation had grown silent after Pam played twenty questions on his return. Now as he sat there with the remains of what was always a lackluster meal, his thoughts kept retuning to the girl at the door. On how it felt when she touched him, even if it had only been a second long brush.

“Bob, are you listening too me?” The sound of Pam’s irritated voice brought Bob back to the here and now. “Hmm,” he absently replied. Having just realized that he never got her name. “I said: a lot of good it did you going up there. They’re just as loud as ever.” Her statement was punctuated by another of a series of loud bangs. “Christ, did you say anything to them at all?”

“Ah, yeah. I asked them nicely if they could quiet down a little.”

“Figures. I tell you to go up there and lay down the law and you end up being coy and ask them nicely if they could quiet down. I knew it was a mistake for you to go up there.”

Bob’s fork clicked against his plate as it bounced off as he pushed himself away from the table.

“Where are you going?” Pam asked, surprised.

“Back up there.”

“I didn’t mean for you--”

“Yeah, right.”

“Lets just call the manager. Have him go over there.”

“And what? So I can listen to you bitch about it for the rest of weekend?”

Bob was out the door and rushing up the stairs before Pam had a chance too answer.

As before, when Bob pushed his way onto the next floor, the hallway was quiet. Bob took a deep breath and smoothed down his clothes before he knocked. The anticipation - his body seemed to ache from it - of seeing her once more welled up inside him. He couldn’t understand it; why he felt this way. That touch stirred something in him he hasn’t felt…hasn’t felt ever, now that he thought about it. It didn’t even cross his mind that he was possibly giving up he marriage; his life as he knew it. All he thought about was seeing the girl.

His knocks sounded hollow, like there was nothing on the other side of the door. Last time he stood and did this, Bob could just make out the presence of the party. Now however, there seemed to be nothing. Not the slightest noise. Maybe this time around he truly lucked out and they took their festivities else where. Pam couldn’t be the only one bitching about their unruliness. The thought terrified him.

He was about to turn away, head back down to Pam, when the door opened.

“Well, look who it is. Change your mind? Or are you here again to see if I was alright?”

“A little bit a both, I guess.” Bob felt energized by the sight of her. “I’m Bob Forsythe by the way.”

“I’m Anna. Anna Dupree.” The two shook hands. “Care to come in?”

The energy he felt as their hands meet made the first brush seem like a static shock. Now it coursed through him like twenty thousand volts, pulsating with every heartbeat.

“Um. Yeah, sure.”

Anna pulled Bob by his hand. He was surprised too find the inside, while the layout was exactly the same as his like he thought, was sparsely furnished. Two couches sat up against the walls that flanked the windows (two sets of couples were on the couches in varies sex acts. One had a woman bent over the front, fucking her doggy style while a woman was on top of another man grinding her hips. On the opposite couch two women where engaged in pleasuring each other while a woman was on her knees in front of her man. His engorged cock disappearing and reappearing in her mouth.) that looked down into the same courtyard as his. In the middle of the room a man sat naked on a lone chair as one of the most gorgeous brunettes Bob had ever seen danced around him. Every now and again she’d hop in his lap, sliding his manhood inside her and ride him. Causing his chair too bang a screech along the floor. So this is why the chair kept banging, Bob thought. All the while I was wondering what the fuck was going on.

Bob turned back to Anna. She was leaning against the door with her left hand up her shirt, exposing her breasts; pinching her hard nipples, while with right hand she pulled up what there was of her skirt, then sliding her hand over her hairless sex and began to rub.

“Don’t you find it hot,” she said, breathlessly. “Watching them fuck without a care in the world?” Anna pushed herself away from the door and grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him close, passionately kissing him as she took his other hand and rubbed it between her legs. When she finally pulled her lips from his, Anna said:

“Do you want me? I want you. You taste so good.” Anna licked his lips. “But you have to give yourself to me. Willingly. That’s the only way for me to show you the real me; too show you pleasures like never before. Will you do that for me, Bob? Will you give yourself over to me?”

Without moment hesitation Bob said yes, and that wicked little smile that had plagued Bob since he left returned. “Good.” Anna snapped her fingers. “Stacey. Candy. Bedroom. Now.” The two women that were locked together got up from the couch and walked hand in hand to the bedroom. “Are you ready for what comes next, Bob?”

“Yes. Yes, do unto me what you will.”

Anna pushed Bob away from her, hard. And at first he was confused, but she took hold of his hand and pulled him off towards the bedroom where Stacey and Candy laid in wait upon the bed, who then sat as they entered. The three women immediately began to tear off Bob’s clothes. All thoughts of his wife or how he was going to get home never seemed to cross his mind. He was lost. Lost in a moment that he knew would never come again. Be damned the consequences. He was then thrust onto his back upon the bed. His hardness sticking straight up. Stacey grabbed hold and took into her mouth; Candy straddled his face and moaned loudly as he used his tongue. All the while, Anna watched, slowly removing her own clothes.

“Stacey. Let him fuck you,” Anna said, reaching into the top drawer of a dresser, the only other piece of furniture in the room.

Stacey stopped giving him head, got on her back, and eased Bob on top of her, guiding his erection the whole way. Bob slid inside with a deep thrust as Candy, now leaning against the headboard spread eagle latched onto his ears and forcefully pulled his face towards her clit. Stacey positioned her own face beneath the two and added her tongue to the mix. The calamity of moans rose ever higher from the three as Anna finally kneeled down on the bed, clenched Bob’s ass checks and spread them apart and slipped her strap on dildo up into him. Bob cried out in both surprise and pleasure as it slid deep - as deep as he was in Stacey. Candy both laughed and moaned as Stacey’s tongue found the right spot, bring her too climax. She pulled Bob’s face back to help lap up her sweet juices. Anna, Bob, and Stacey fell into a rhythm with one another.

Anna leaned close to Bob’s ear, and whispered: “Now the real fun begins.”

It felt to Bob as if Anna’s hands stabbed into his sides; digging their way in just as Candy’s felt as if they were drilling into his skull. Stacey’s pussy tightened. Like a mouth biting down. Bob’s screams turned from pleasure to terror as he began to thrash around. Trying to free himself. He looked up and found the once beautiful Candy had turned old and rotten; her soft skin became rough as leather. Stacey stared up at Bob with lidless, drawn back eyes. Her mouth peeled back in a grim, sadistic smile of the corpse she was. Bob felt himself start to drain, as if he was being siphoned of life. Screams - not his own - echoed from the other room as the men in there found themselves in a similar situation.

“Yes. Yes. Yes,” Anna yelled, from behind. Her fossorial hands dug deeper into his sides. “I knew you’d taste elegant. Like a fine aged piece of beef.”

Bob let out one last high pitched scream before darkness descended.


The longer Pam sat alone, the more pissed off she became.

Bob had left over an hour ago, heading back up stairs to complain about the noise, but that had only seemed to grow louder since his departure. She knew he must of been suckered into joining them. The man had no backbone. Why she stayed married was anyone’s guess. Five more minutes. Five more minutes, and if he wasn’t back she was going too go up there and give them an earful.

Pam threw down her napkin as the allotted time passed by a full extra ten minutes. Time too the pay the piper.

The elevator chimed as it reached the next floor. She found it surprisingly quiet up there, for as loud as it was in her place. Better walls. Lucky them, she thought. That’s probably why no one was complaining. But after the what for she was about to give them, the whole building will know about them. Pam walked down to the door and began to pound.

“I know you’re in there you piece of shit.” Pam screamed. To hell with the neighbors, she thought. “I hope she gave you one hell of a blow-job, because it’s the last you’re ever gonna get!”

Oblivious to Pam, doors along the hallway began to open, people stepped out to see what was the commotion. “Can I help you?” A fiftyish man asked.

Pam turned around, spittle flew from her mouth as she spoke. “Yeah. These bunch of assholes have been throwing this loud ass party all night long. And now my idiot, good for nothing husband is in there as well!” Pam turned back to the door. “You’d better get out here, you bastard if you know what’s good for ya!”

“Ah, miss--”

“Missus. Mrs. Forsythe.”

“Okay. Mrs. Forsythe. Is there something…the matter?”

Pam tried too remain calm as she talked to the man. But the best she could manage was through clenched teeth. “Yes. I already told you. They’re having a party and my husband is in there.”

The man looked at her bewildered. “In there?” He pointed at the door.

“Yes, in there. Why else would I be standing here?”

The fiftyish man, Carl, pulled Pam a little way from the door, hands on her shoulders, he looked down at her in a fatherly manner and told her that no one lives there. And when she told him that he must be mistaken, He began to tell her the strange sordid tale of what happened to the occupants of unit 5F. The women who lived behind that door, Carl told her, were the worst that human nature could produce. “They were cultist. Cultist of the worst kind,” he said. “They would find and lead unsuspecting men and women back here from the bars or where ever, seduced by their sexuality, and when they were done with whatever depravity they were doing, these women - these sucubi - would then take it one step further.” Carl took a deep breath before he continued, clearly shaken by the events that went on. Pam grew anxious with the pause. Her heart beat faster than she thought possible. “What?! What, tell me!” She pleaded. Carl sighed, and said too her:

“I think that maybe we should get the building manager.”

The buildings manager’s hands shook as he treid to put the key in the lock. “I haven’t been in here since the cops finally released it from their investigation and I had it cleaned. The place was filled with all kinds of where stuff. The police said it was things you would find in…” Pam stood silently behind him and Carl, not really sure what too believe. She knew that somebody had been there, hell, that was the whole reason Bob was missing at the moment. The manager finally got the kiy in the lock and turned the knob. “Finally.” The door swung slowly open reveiling an empty unit. The manager turned back to Pam. “Are you sure that he’s in here? That there were people here?”

“Positve. The party had been going on for sometime before Bob went to ask them to quiet down. Then he went back up when they didn’t and I haven’t seen him since.”

The manager reluctantly lead the way. Their voices echoed off the walls, making it feel even more empty - if that was possible - than it was. “I haven’t been in here in almost a year.”

“How come no one said anything about this when we moved in?”

“It’s not something one talks about. I’m surprised that you hadn’t heard anything while you’ve been here.”

Pam thought about that for a moment. “Probably it’s because we don’t really know anybody that lives here.”

“Man. Can you feel it? Feel the evil that still resides here?” They moved deeper inside, minding each step as if they didn’t want too wake up anyone or that maybe their next one they might fall through the floor. “I never thought I’d ever step in here again. I’m almost glad nobody’s ever moved in.”

“Bob?” Pam called out. Both the manager and Carl looked back at her in shock. “What? How else are we going too find out if he’s here?” They looked away, back into the interior. “Bob? Are you here?” She called out again. The only response was her own voice. “Neither one of you have said what happen too the women that lived here. I assume that they were caught and put in jail?”

“Sadly no,” said Carl.

“I guess the police had them under suspicion for a while. It turned out that they weren’t very good at covering their tracks, and when one the city’s counsel men’s son went missing and was last seen with Anna Dupree - she was the one that actually owned this place - the police wasted no time coming to pay her a visit.” The trio had searched the living/dinning area and kitchen were about too start checking the bedroom and bath. “It was such a bad scene. And it didn’t take long for people to start moving out afterward.” The Manager paused a moment as a chill ran through him. “If there were people in here like you said, I only hope it was just some kids with a sick fascination and not a bunch of old cohorts of Anna’s.”

“Wait. If they weren’t arrested then what the hell happened to Anna?”

The Manager stared at Pam, cold dread in his eyes, then said:

“They were all dead when they got here. Some mass suicide, or so the police said. But it wasn’t like any suicide I’d ever seen.

“The cops showed up at my place just before dawn - the counsel man’s son had been missing for a couple of days - and they were hoping to get in without much fan fare as possible; too catch them in the act, so to say. They wanted me to go up and either try to get them to open the door for some fake emergency and if not I was to use my key to get them in. So I did what they asked.

“I didn’t get an answer when I knocked, and I sort of got swept up in the rush when I unlocked the door and they barged in, guns drawn. There’s never a day I don’t think about what I saw.” He shook his head. “I’ll remember until the day I die I suppose. All those bodies lined up along the wall there.” He pointed to the wall on the other side of the condo. “Right there. Just lined up one by one. But the bodies were…were like they had been dried up. Like everything had been just sucked out. And the smell. I’ll never forget that smell. It reminded me of something burning. Or like…like…“ The Manger searched for the right word. “Like Brimstone.” They opened the bathroom door and found it empty. “It seemed like I could smell that stuff for weeks. It never did come out of my clothes.” The Manager opened the bedroom door. “I had too…Oh dear god no. No. No. No.” Pam’s scream shrilled through the condo as Carl fell backward into the bathroom clutching his chest as he thudded onto the floor.

The bodies were lined up one by one, just underneath the window, like dried fruit left in the sun. The smell of Brimstone floated in the air.

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