Monday, December 10, 2012

The Campaign Train Just Keeps a Chuggin’ All Night Long

We are a little more than a month past the last Presidential election that ended with Obama’s re-election to the top office of the land but you wouldn't know it as both sides of the idiot coin are still chugging along aboard their perspective campaign trains. Making it feel that somehow 2016 is just around the corner as we find both Marc Rubio & Paul Ryan hitting the pulpit over the weekend trying to fix the problems & image of the mundane message of the Republican party. To somehow make it more viable and appealing in to today’s political climate. Not to be out done on any accounts, you could also find the Democrats all over TV as well, as they hit the Sunday Morning politico shows touting their hopes & dreams of a Hilary Clinton Presidential run. Even one going as far as saying how they don’t even want a primary if she runs. That he was willing to just give her the nomination. I wish they thought that way back in ’08. While I was no fan of the Clinton Presidency I would surely take Hilary over old dufus ears that we have now.

Obama is for once solely and truthfully to blame (I know the right loves to blame all the country’s woes upon him the same way he and his Party have blamed all the woes of the country on Bush) for this new style of election & campaigning. Obama has shown us the way of how if you want success then you have to keep hitting the populace with some type of message continuously. To the point where this is how elections will more-than-likely will be from now on with how he finely crafted victory for a second term. You see, Obama’s main re-election format was to never stop campaigning. Hell, he even kept most of his campaign offices open and staffed during his first term in the so-called “battle ground“ states. Canvassing areas and neighborhoods with material for his presidency. I mean how do combat that? How does a candidate try to out do 4 years worth of phone calls and volunteers knocking on the door of much coveted voters? So now we will see more of this in places like Ohio, Nevada, and Florida. Hell, we are all ready seeing it on a national level now with that nicely produced video for Hilary Clinton’s farewell that has been running on all the news media. Especially the section that has both Netanyahu & former British PM, Tony Blair saying that they think the best is yet to come.

Unfortunately, when we come back to the here & now we still find Obama on the campaign trail. I guess he never got the memo on how he won and that he can not have a third term and it is time to be a real leader.  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

On the Pussy Riot Front: Attacks Against Freedom of Speech & Expression; Censorship, & Control of the WEB

The ever freedom loving Vladimir Putin and his happy-go-lucky cronies in the Russian government have taken the idea of “book burning” & censorship and brought it kicking and screaming into the digital age with a Moscow District court labeling four videos by the much under fire punk band “Pussy Riot” as to extreme for viewing, with the court saying that “access to all websites hosting the videos must be limited.” One of the videos in particular was of the performance the band did at Moscow’s main Russian Orthodox Cathedral where the band protested Putin and his re-election along with his ties to the Church itself that of which whose patriarch (Patriarch Kirill) endorsed Putin‘s re-election. The performance lead to the arrest of three of the band’s members (Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, Marina Alyokhina, 24, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 30) on Hooliganism Charges. The sites that violate the courts ruling face administrative fines up to 100,000 Rubles ($3,000 USD). The court used the vaguely defined “Extremism” Law that is supposed to restrict the Russian Neo-Nazi movement & terrorists groups from posting their rhetoric on the WEB. One such video that was banned was that of “The Innocence of Muslims”, the badly made YOUTUBE video that brought about protests and riots in the Middle East. Opponents of the Kremlin charge that the government of exploiting the law to stifle the freedom of speech.

 Yekaterina Samutsevich, one of the members of the band that was arrested for the impromptu concert and who has recently been released from jail upon with a suspended sentence, stated “Just as in old times, we burned books. Now we are deleting video clips which have undoubted historic significance.” Samutsevich went to court appealing their decision on the banning of the “Pussy Riot” material calling it “a clear sign of censorship of art and the culture of protest.” A spokeswomen for the district court (Zamoskvorechye), Yevgenia Pazukhina, said that Samutsevich had no right to appeal the decision since she had not taken part of the hearing. (To note, the court rejected Samutsevich request to take part in the hearing.) Pazukhina also went on to say that the court’s decision will take effect in a month’s time unless it is appealed. Spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow, Vsevolod Chaplin, said they embraced the district court's decision, saying that the “Pussy Riot's” videos offended the feelings of all Orthodox Christians.
All of this comes on the heals during the time that the 12th annual World Conference on Informational Telecommunications (WCIT-12) Summit is taking place in Dubai. The WCIT-12 is where the United Nations advisory is facilitating updates & changes to the global telecommunications regulations that would place the Internet under control of nation states. Russia, along with China, are seeking to impose levies on Internet traffic and adopt standards that would make it much easier to track users and their activities. The measure known as Y.2770 would allow the United Nations’ International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to adopt standards that would allow the inspection of Internet traffic including the inspection of personal emails. The United States House of Representatives -in rare solidarity- voted unanimously against Y.2770 and any other such measure that would give the U.N. or anyone else control of the WEB. Also, Russian lawmakers are also looking into toughening laws for religious offences. The new draft of the law would put in place prison terms for violations that occur, like that of the “Pussy Riot” performance, and other religious offences.

So if the new religious laws go into effect, then what next? Do we see a modern version of the Salem Witch Trails taking place in Russia against anyone who dares to speak out against… well, anything? It sure seems that way already. Apparently the pro-Putin, Kremlin-backed youth movement know as Nashi ("Ours!") seems to have placed a bounty on the other women of “Pussy Riot” that took part in the concert against Putin’s re-election. Pushing the women (the band supposedly numbers 20 members) deeper into hiding to the point of which the band’s own lawyers do not know the whereabouts of the band’s “Headquarters”.

Source Material:

Rolling Stone
The Associated Press
The Daily Beast
And other Internet Sites  

Friday, November 16, 2012

There is No Reason to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse if There are No Twinkies

Where will we be without the ever present Twinkies  There will be no reason on the zombie hordes that are destined to come for us in one form or another without the reward of the golden caked, creamed filled goodness at the end of a long day of kicking ass and taking no names. Alas, twilight must descend on all of us (and things) at one time or another. The fall of Rome comes to mind… no, not really. But it does spell the end of an era that has lasted for close to a century as Hostess Brands plan to close their doors saying that they do not have the resources to weather an on going strike with their bakers and union.

Hostess was acquired in 1995 by their now parent company Interstate Bakeries after emerging from 4 years of bankruptcy but only to end up back in Chapter 11 (filed earlier this year) after the company reportedly lost over $300 million dollars last year. The hopes were that the company could reorganize their finances, principally cutting down their labor costs. Those plans, however, were hamstrung with a labor dispute with the BCTGM (Bakery, Confectionery  Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers) Union as they called for a work stoppage hereby effecting two thirds of Hostess’s factories across the nation.

Hostess drew a line in the sand and publicly (and privately, I am sure) stated that if the strike was not solved by Thursday (November 15th) that Hostess would seek from bankruptcy court a motion to liquidate all assets and in fact would mean the loss of 18,500 jobs. BCTGM called the concessions demanded in the new contract offer “outrageous”. Bakers’ Union President, Frank Hurt, said on Tuesday that their members where on strike because they have had enough and where not willing to take the draconian wage and benefit cuts that were on top of the concessions they made back in 2004 giving up their pensions so that Wall Street vultures and capitalists in control of the company could walk away with millions. All of this stems as the Teamsters Union narrowly took the deal of reduced wages and benefits while the bakers firmly rejected it. BCTGM Union representatives also claim that Hostess was already planning the closure of bakeries in the Seattle, St. Louis, and Cincinnati areas cutting 627 jobs. In fact Hostess sought to throw out it’s collective bargaining agreement with the Teamsters in court although the union fought back and won ensuring that Hostess could not unilaterally make changes to working conditions, allowing Teamster Hostess members to decide their own fate through voting. (53% of the Teamster Hostess members voted to approve the final offer) The new contract that is in dispute cuts salaries across the company by 8% in the first three years of the five year agreement but then get bumped back up 3% in the next three years ending with an additional 1% increase the final year. However, it also includes reduced pension and health and benefit obligations.

Twinkies debuted in 1930 during the American Great Depression as a cheap tasty treat and in their 82 years has survived countless diets, recessions, increase competition, and other labor disputes as well as other bankruptcies. But does all this mean the ACTUAL end of the iconic cake along with Wonder Bread, Ho Ho’s and the like? Probably not. The truth is that most of, if not all will be purchased by other companies but it does spell problems with the union as they will more than likely not wan to honor anything -contract wise- that Hostess offered their members and in the end will in no doubt all contracts to be seen re-negotiated if they even use those bakeries at all.

Hopefully. I for one love the taste of Hostess cakes. And while there are a plethora of rip-offs and copycats the just do not seem to add up to my standards of what Twinkies and Ho Hoes taste like.

Cited Sources:

Teamsters Union
New York Times
Seattle Times
Seattle pi
NBC Broadcasting

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Like Wife, Like Husband: Sandi Jackson A No-Show At Meeting

It should come to no one’s surprise that 7th Ward Alderwoman Sandi Jackson (wife of Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.) was a no show at a Chicago City Council meeting today (her second in as many weeks) especially since it as come to light via “Wall Street Journal” that the Feds are looking into her role in her husband’s [Jesse Jackson] little spending spree via campaign donations.

In case you are living under a rock and do not know what is going on with the Jackson family it seems that Jesse Jr., son of activist reverend Jesse Jackson Sr., went on a little house decorating of his D.C. pad at, well, your expanse. His D.C. digs are believe to cost little over 2 million bucks. Also Jesse -that is Jr.- appears that he also bought a lady “friend” a $40,000 Rolex.

[Sandi] Jackson has been outspoken about her husband’s problems and has come off as a firm supporter of him as well (she has been overheard calling the press “JACKELS“). However, as more and more things come to light about his off the record “dealings” like his supposed possible plea deal that will find him loosing his [Jesse Jr.] re-elected seat -a seat that was believed that Sandi Jackson herself was going to go after. Although now with the Feds giving a look things might change on that front- we’ll see how “on board” she will remain.

But this new investigation does not leave [Sandi] Jackson with out friends. Outspoken Alderman Bob Fioretti talked about (to WLS 890AM Radio) the code of silence that the City Council [Chicago] has, saying: “We have a code of silence within our own council members ranks. So what's the code of silence then? Sometimes not criticizing our colleagues. We stay away from it.” Sandi Jackson has other allies as well in Council in the likes of the Chairman of the City Council’s Budget Committee Alderwoman (34th) Carrie Austin who states that in every marriage somewhere down the line, you think that your husband might fool around on you, but not necessarily commit adultery… “But now to have it all slammed in her face,” Ald. Austin goes on to say, “That has got to be humiliating… You fooled us all -including your wife.” ALD. Austin also goes on about  how she is angry that Jesse Jackson was [is] trying to work out a plea deal with the Feds. “We respected you were ill [We Said] ’Let the man heal.’ Then you come out with this poppycock?… a day after the election that you won handily with the support of us.”

It is going to be interesting to see how all this plays out and how quiet [Sandi] Jackson stays as it becomes more than apparent that some kind of wrong doing has taken place with the so-called “friend” her husband has. That, and just how involved she [Sandi] was with the misused campaign funds. To note: Sandi Jackson is paid $5,000 a month in salary from her husband’s [Jesse Jackson] campaign fund as she has acted as his spokesperson about his “illness”.

Cited Sources:
NBC Channel 5 Chicago
Chicago Sun-Times
WLS 890Am
ABC Channel 7 Chicago
Wall Street Journal

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Time is Tick… Tick… Ticking Away for Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Freedom

One day after Illinois’ 2nd Congressional District overwhelmingly elected themselves the dumbest humans on the planet Earth with their re-election of Jesse Jackson Jr., a man who has not been heard from, really, since June of the this year (along with not showing up on the House floor, and has missed 225 votes) as he… well we’ll get into that.

Hours after President Obama stood in front of Chicago, the country, and the world giving his exception speech rumors began to swirl around Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. and a possible plea deal with the Feds about his misuse of campaign funds (Sneed, Chicago SunTimes). The Feds are looking into allegations that Jackson went on a spending spree that included [Jackson] re-decorating his Washington D.C. home (reportedly worth 2.5 million) and the purchase of a $40,000 Rolex watch for a female “friend”.

Allegations of the misused campaign funds are actually added on top of allegations (and investigations by both the FBI and the House Ethics Committee) that Jackson had tried to purchase the Senate seat that Barrack Obama gave up when he was elected the Grand PooBah of the nation from NOW jailed Illinois Governor Blagojevich  back in 2008. Jackson has called these allegations false and that he has no knowledge of anything illegal. However, that remains to be seen because since Blagojevich has been imprisoned, Jackson has been seeking treatment at the MAYO Clinic for “bi-polar” disorder along with “gastrointestinal” problems.

But all this should be nothing new for Illinois’ Congressional 2nd District nor the people of Illinois itself.

If Jackson is found guilty of any of these charges he will be the second congressman in a row from that district (US-Il 2nd) to be convicted of a crime. Jackson moved into his seat when then Mel Reynolds was convicted of sexual misconduct, child pornography, and obstruction of justice when he was found to be having an affair with an underage campaign worker and bank fraud in 1995, with Reynolds as well misusing campaign funds for personal use. On top of that sad and funny truth is that Reynolds ousted the congressman before him (Savage) who was a target -as well- for the House Ethics Committee for allegations that he made improper sexual advances towards a woman on a trip to Zaire. (It is do to note that Savage was never charged with a crime.)

To add to the ever growing legal problems Jackson has, it appears that the Democrats are beginning to look at people who will replace him [Jackson] in Congress. If and when Jackson either pleads guilty or is found guilty it looks likely that the there will be a special election on the horizon, possibly sometime in March causing a no-hold-barred attack for the seat. Among some of the names being thrown around as possibles are Jackson’s wife and brother. Sandi Jackson is a 7th Ward Alderman in Chicago; Jackson’s brother, Jonathon, is the national spokesman for RAINBOW/PUSH (headed by father Jesse Jackson). Other viable candidates are: 9th Ward Alderman, Anthony Beale; State Senator Napoleon Harris, and Barrack Obama’s replacement Senator Kwame Raoul.

Jesse Jackson Jr.’s legal problems are just another notch in an ever growing list of defunct politicians in Illinois. The prior two Governors of the state (Ryan and Blagojevich) are currently behind bars.  

Other cited sources include, Chicago Sun-Times, WGN News, New York Times, Washington Times, Southtown Star    

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obama-Care & All That Jazz

We borrow and spend money from other countries like a crackhead hits the pipe for their next fix. And now that the election over (thank the heavens) a lot of people are looking at the economy and this Universal Heath Care System, otherwise known as Obama-Care, and how the hell we are going to pay for it all because in the long run America is financially fucked. We are borrowing money from China and elsewhere at a substantial rate. According to the United States Treasury we topped $16 trillion in debt back in September with no stopping (hell, not even a tapping of the brakes) in our sights anytime soon, and according to the latest data (December 2011) 56.9% of the U.S. debt is foreign held (whether by counties or private partners) with Main Land China leading the way with $4,996 billion which is actually down from previous years. But as we look towards the future with Obama at the helm of the country we can be assured that the $16 trillion we owe is only going to grow. (The U.S. Treasury believes that in the first quarter of 2013 (Jan.-Mar) the U.S. another $342 billion in marketable debt)

When it comes to Universal Health Care we can not pay for it in it’s (Obama’s) form. Ending the war doesn’t help because that is BORROWED money, taxing the 1% more will not help. 1 per centers all ready pay 35% (I am not talking Capitol Gains which is another tax bracket all together, I am just talking personal income). The $2000 penalty a year for those that still refuse will not pay for it. So in the end the only thing Obama can do is raise taxes across the board. Something he will not do, or so he says.

As it stands in the U.S., the middle class -according to the MARGINAL TAX RATES 2012- is taxed between 15% (35,350 & under a year down to roughly $8,000) to 25% (35,351-85,650 a year). Now compare that to the U.K. who has a similar Universal Health Care plan (I am not saying ours is going to be anything like the U.K.’s, I am just using them as an example) the middle class is taxed 20% (34,371 and under) to 40% (35,371-150,000 a year). Now Obama’s version, however, is that anyone who makes $250k a year is considered rich (and by estimates he has to put himself in that tax bracket between his Presidential salary and that of his wife’s), the problem is that those people are already paying something like 33%. Now the uber rich already hide their money in off shore accounts and/or claim Capitol Gains. Now you raise the rates on anything over $250k, the uber rich that do not already file Capitol Gains will, if not then money goes off shore. Raise Capitol Gains and companies that pay that tax are just going to push the cost down the line, same goes for business and corporate taxes where in the end the consumer (meaning you, me and everybody) gets to make up the difference to their lost income along with a reduction of workers.

I know both Obama and Romney talked about closing loop holes and deductions to make up the difference in not raising taxes on the middle class, however, there are not enough people in America that make that kind of income to make up the difference so in the end we are back to raising taxes across the board.

And here is another thing: the U.K. spends something like 12% of their taxed income on health care. And their population is not as big as ours. So we can expect the government to probably have take more than that. Add in all the other entitlements, then on top of that National Defense (which will be cut but that is still going to be in the billions), the bailout, the stimulus, the money we have to pay back, the list goes on and on. How can we afforded it? But with that said Romney had no clear cut path either. His health care that he passed when he was governor was pretty much Obama-care LITE. And his plans of cutting loop holes and deductions was not going to help out either because there are not enough deductions to cut. So, again, in the end the middle class either has to take the same cuts or raise taxes.

We are already seeing companies looking to drop workers from staff to get around the health care laws that make them pay part of difference (now more people out work, more people collecting unemployment, more people needing welfare). And Obama-care is only partially in effect. It does not fully kick in until 2014. Just in time for the Mid-Terms.  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

From “Half Sack” to No Sack: “SOA” Actor, Johnny Lewis, Dead at 28

For all you “Sons of Anarchy” fans, seems as if Johnny Lewis has possibly killed himself after officers responded to the home of a Catherine Davis and not only fond the body of the 81-year-old woman but that of Lewis as well.

Neighbors reported hearing a woman screaming & glass breaking in a home in Los Feliz, an affluent neighborhood near Hollywood, and apparently when LAPD rolled up on the scene they found the body of Lewis lying in a pool of blood in the driveway from an apparent fall from the roof, and upon entering the hillside home of [Catherine] Davis, found her dead on the second floor of her three floor home.

Cmdr. Andrew Smith of the Los Angeles Police department told reporters that the scene where [Catherine] Davis’ body was found was “gruesome” & believes that [Johnny] Lewis was renting a room from Davis. Lewis is also the main suspect in her killing because evidence shows that no one else was in the home at the time of the two deaths. In addition, reports from the neighbors say that a man fitting Lewis’ description jumped the fence that connected that of Davis’ property, assaulted the homeowner and a painter before jumping back to the other side. The man then climbed onto the roof of the house because of the sirens of approaching LAPD in what is thought to be a possible escape attempt. It is unclear at the moment whether [Johnny] Lewis jumped or fell.

Drugs are expected in the strange ending to Lewis’ life. However, TOX reports won’t be back for a few days. Lewis has been in trouble with the law lately. He plead No Contest to an assault with a deadly weapon & had an attempted burglary charge according to police records, and was released from jail on September 21st.

[Johnny] Lewis is probably best known for playing the character Kip “Half Sack” Epps on the FX Network’s “Sons of Anarchy” for two seasons (26 episodes) before being killed off on the second season finale.

During an interview back in 2009 “SOA” creator, Kurt Sutter, told Alan Sepinwall that Lewis wasn’t happy on the show. Saying: “Creatively, he [Johnny Lewis] wanted out of his contract.” And after conversations they decided to find a noble way for him to go.

About the killings, Sutter Tweeted that Lewis’ death “was a tragic end to an extremely talented guy, who had unfortunately lost his way”. Sutter also Tweeted that he was not shocked by the events, & was deeply saddened by the death of Davis.

Lewis’ acting resume contains 33 projects. Other than “SOA” Lewis was in the 2010 indie feature “The Runaways”; 9 episodes of Fox’s “The OC”; and the upcoming “186 Dollars to get Out”.

As for Catherine Davis, she lived in the home for decades, renting out her rooms to young actors & actresses; writers & other movie industry people.  

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Apple Doesn’t Fall to Far from the Hashish Tree: Fiona Apple Busted

Okay, I’m pulling an Anderson Cooper (talk show version) here with this one. But I thought it was too funny to pass up.

Remember Fiona Apple? Come on, you know you want too. The 1996 album “Tidal” help you out? Or how about the Grammy winning tune ‘Criminal’?

Well, whatever. For those of you that do, looks like Miss Apple is trying for a come back except she is doing it Snoop-Dogg style by getting busted in in the town of Sierra Blanca. This Texas town has an interesting habit of arresting musicians for the magic weed (the fore mentioned Snoop, along with Willie Nelson).

Apple, now 35, got nabbed carrying 4 grams of hash after her tour bus was stopped by Border Patrol agents at a check point and a drug sniffing poochie detected the stash in her bag & was released from the Hudspeth County Jail after posting bail. While pot is only a misdemeanor in the great state of Texas, however, Hashish in any amount is not. And is considered a felony according to the Texas Controlled Substance Act.

What does this mean for [Fiona] Apple? Probably nothing but her [Apple] publicist had no comment on the matter.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Symphony of Stupidity Part 3: Just Who the Hell is “Sam Bacile” and Why Do We Care, & Will Eric Holder Prosecute?

I don’t know about you, but if I were going to use a fake name so I could make one of the most incendiary YOUTUBE videos (come on, we can’t call what that is a movie no matter how much some douche bag radical cleric wants too) in YOUTUBE history I think I would of used a fake address as well. Buy hey, who am I kidding. Nobody is smart in this entire situation. And I mean NOBODY. Not “Bacile” who seems to really be Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, Nakoula is being named by the feds as the filmmaker behind the now the most notorious (and just awful) video; the ever loving Arabs of Egypt, Libya, Yemen, & so on; the governments of all those nations previously named; Obama; or even Mitt “Robot” Romney. They all have dropped the ball on this whole ball of wax.

But lets start with the simplest of idiots in this equation: That of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, aka: Sam Bacile.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is a 55 year-old Coptic Christian (what’s a Coptic Christian? Glad you asked because in truth I hadn’t the slightest fucking idea either. I mean, really, how many fucking different names & ways does a person or group of persons need to basically worship the same GOD?… anyway, a Coptic Christian (according to Wikipedeia) is the name of the largest Christian Church in the Middle East (now that has to be fun) & belongs to the Oriental Orthodox family of churches which dates back to AD 451 & the Council of Chalcedon. The church group also has ties to the church founded by good-ol’-Saint-Mark back in AD 42. But enough of the history lesson. Seems as of 2012, the Coptic Christians claim about 10% of the Egyptian population. I guess they believe in, I don’t know, whatever the other Christians believe), who pled no contest back in 2010 to federal bank fraud charges in California and was ordered to pay more than $790,000 in restitution, was sentenced to 21 months in federal prison and ordered not to use computers, or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer. He [Nakoula], at last check, was still on probation, according to court records. Oops. Hence the alias.

Now that the whole fucking Muslim world wants to kick Nakoula’s ass for his video, of course he now looking for police help to keep him safe. On Thursday, Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched to his house & production office in fear of reprisals. (they have been removed thus far, but be assured the FBI Terrorist Unit can’t be to far away. Nakoula is just to big of a target to not dangle out for some terrorist asshole to bite on)

And things look as if they are going to get worse for Nakoula, who will in no doubt be sued by the cast & crew for being miss lead about what the film they making actually was. Turns out that the cast & crew thought they were making a film called “Desert Warrior” & now have issued a joint statement saying: “they are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer.” The statement goes on to say: “We are 100 percent not behind this film and were grossly misled about its intent and purpose. We are shocked by the drastic rewrites of the script and lies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred.”

 Now in the wake of the death of a U.S. Ambassador & three others in Libya, Attorney General Eric Holder said that Justice Department officials had opened a criminal investigation into the attack on the American mission in Benghazi. It was not immediately clear whether or not authorities were focusing on the California filmmaker as part of said probe. Now here is where it gets a little sticky. If Holder thinks that he can bring Nakoula Basseley Nakoula up on charges for the death of Ambassador Stevens and 3 of his staff I think he is way off base. Right or wrong there’s still something called the first Amendment & it is still firmly in place. I have no problem if the FEDS get him [Nakoula] on a violation of the terms of his parole, since he is in clear violation of. If Holder gets away with the former of the two, it will have long standing consequences on one of the things we, as Americans, hold dear. And that of FREEDOM OF SPEECH, PRESS AND ALL THE OTHER GOODIES THAT GO ALONG WITH THAT AMENDMENT.  

In the end nobody will listen. And the Wall Street Journal is saying best: There is no Isreali-American named Sam Bacile; there is no Jewish money cabal fronting cash for “Innocence of Muslims; quite surely this crap YOUTUBE video didn’t cost anywhere near $5 million dollars; and it seems that the head of the National American Coptic Assembly, Morris Sadek, has been publicly promoting the video suggests that they are somehow involved as well.

But like I said, none of that matters. Radical Clerics with an agenda all their own will, and have been, spinning the wheels of hate in the direction they most want it to go: TOWARDS AMERICA & THE WEST.    

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Symphony of Stupidity: Part 2... This is the Crap Film that has Egypt Pissed [UPDATED]

This badly edited, badly acted, badly written, badly… oh, fuck, just plain bad… clip is supposedly what has the Egyptians all worked up.

Turns out that the these 13 minutes of “Innocence of Muslims” have been floating around on YOUTUBE since July but has only recently been picked up on by protesters and other activists alike.

Directed and produced by an Israeli-American real-estate developer, Sam Bacile,  who characterized the film (if it can be called that) as a political effort to call attention to the hypocrisies of Islam, and has been promoted by Terry Jones, the Florida pastor whose burning of Qurans previously sparked deadly riots around the world.

 [Sam] Bacile, a 52-year-old writer, stated that he wanted to showcase [his] view of Islam as that of a “hateful religion“ also saying in a telephone interview from his home, that "Islam is a cancer." Bacile also claims that his film (again I say this loosely) is not political movie nor a religious movie."

Even though he called it a political effort… but whatever. His money. His time.

Although, the bad blood about this crap film has not stayed with-in the borders of Egypt. In Benghazi, Libya, a deputy interior minister for region told the Al-Jazeera network that several dozen gunmen from an Islamist group, Ansar al Sharia, attacked the [U.S.] consulate with rocket-propelled grenades to protest the film, after which militants set it on fire. CNN also reports that one American was killed in the attack.

Since it is an American production, even though the United States has nothing to do with it, Americans in the Middle East are bearing the brunt of the attacks.

The State Department, however, confirms that the Egyptian police have removed demonstrators away from the embassy, even though protest leaders have denied that account stating that they had convinced the young men of the protest to leave the grounds of the embassy. But as darkness fell over Cairo, there have been some reports that some demonstrators were still around. Protest organizers have stated as well that they understand American laws on free expression, but see them as secondary to their religious practice. 34-year-old protester, Ashraf Ibrahim, stated: “Freedom of belief is more important than freedom of expression.” (That is unless it is about a different religion or Jews. Just call it how is.)

The Foreign Minister of Egypt said that their government bears full responsibility for the attack.


In a statement released Tuesday night, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton said:  “I condemn in the strongest terms the attack on our mission in Benghazi today. As we work to secure our personnel and facilities, we have confirmed that one of our State Department officers was killed. We are heartbroken by this terrible loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those who have suffered in this attack.”

Turns out that there were three victims in yesterdays attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

U.S. Ambassador, Christopher Stevens (52) was killed Tuesday when about 20 gunmen stormed the consulate trading gun fire and rocket propelled grenades for about a twenty minutes with Libyan Security forces that guard the complex along with a detachment of Marines.

It is not sure whether Stevens was succumbed by smoke inhalation or was possibly in car that was hot by a motor while trying to clear the area.

The U.S. State Department is now evacuating all personnel from Benghazi.

President Obama also released a Statement Tuesday condemning the attacks: “I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives. I have directed my Administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.”

Symphony of Stupidity: The United States Apologizes for Attack on U.S. Embassy in Egypt

 U.S. officials on Tuesday apologized (as is being reported by Reuters)  as pissed off Egyptians scaled the wall of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, tearing down the American flag & burned it, then tried to raise a flag of their own saying: “There is no God But God, and Mohammed his Messenger” in protest over a movie that is “supposedly” being made about the Prophet Mohammed.

In a statement released by embassy officials condemning: “”misguided individuals” who hurt the religious feelings of Muslims or followers of other religions. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”

(Wasn’t that nice of us? Maybe I object to you objecting the right that is given to all AMERICANS & when we [The United States] wants to grant the DREAMERS those same rights we APOLPGIZE for it! How about this: FUCK YOU!)

However, it’s not clear what film the protesters are all in a huff about.

When asked no one seems to know really anything about the movie other than it’s being made in the United States and that it is being done by Christian pastor, Terry Jones (you remember Jones, right? He made fame in the Middle East in 2010 by threatening to burn the Koran, prompting riots in Afghanistan).

All they know is that according to the website, was that Jones & others were taking part in an event marking the 11th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 attacks supposedly entitled: “International Judge Mohammad Day” that was going to be carried on the internet.

As we all know by now is that the ever peaceful & loving folks in the Middle East take great offense when it comes to THEIR god and/or MOHAMMED especially when it is negative (if your name is Jesus or Buddha or whatever I guess you’re just shit out of luck). Many of the protesters were thought to be supporters of Islamist group "ultras" youths (kind of makes me think of an Arab version of the thugs from Stanley Kubrick’s “Clockwork Orange”), the group played a big role in the uprising that brought down Hosni Mubarak last year.

19-year-old Ismail Mahmoud, a member of the so-called "ultras", said, that “This movie must be banned immediately and an apology should be made,” and called on President Mohamed Mursi, Egypt's first civilian president and an Islamist, to take action. But again he had no details of the film that angered him or other protesters.

This isn’t the first -and I doubt will be the last- incident where protesters clashed with American interests in Egypt since the outing of President Mubarak in 2011. During Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit last July, after new Egyptian President Mursi was sworn in, her motorcade was pelted with tomatoes & demonstrators shouted slogans against her [Clinton], reflecting perceptions of some Islamists, who have swept Egypt's presidency and a parliamentary vote, that Washington helped them [Islamists] to power.

Hell, maybe they weren’t protesting at all and instead saying thanks to 1.3 billion dollars that the United States sends Egypt every year as has since signing of a peace treaty with Israel back in 1979. Yeah, that could be it. You have to love it. The American government is borrowing money at a phenomenal rate to pay bills & here we are sending over a billion to them to prop up their [Egypt] military. With videos being uploaded to YOUTUBE showing protesters as they chant outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, attacking it because some take it to the extreme when they think that anything that maybe insulting to Islam, I, for one, think that shit [sending aide] has to come to a stop, especially when we can‘t get our financial house in order.

But what the fuck do I know. I’m just some asshole that has to pay taxes to a government that has to borrow money so they can send it to other countries.

Friday, September 7, 2012

CRAIGSLIST = Zero, Nada, Nothin’

In today’s awesome climate of crap that comes to job searching people turn to all different means of applying and/or getting their names and themselves out there thru a variety of different avenues. One of which would be the ever popular CRAIGSLIST, where a person and/or businesses can post ads explaining what they want and need and what they are looking for.

So as I am one of those poor and unfortunate fools looking for a another job I said: “what the hell” and started applying via that way [CRAIGSLIST]. Hitting all the jobs I was qualified for, all of which came up to ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’.

Okay, that can be expected. Jobs are tough to get by these days so I kept at it to more of ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’.

I mean I got NOTHING. Not a single reply except for the occasional email kick back stating that they had received my email.

After a couple of weeks of this ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’ I started thinking on just how many people actually get real jobs off of CRAIGSLIST. I know thru a friend that it is possible to get the random day gig for something because this is how he makes a living, however, that is not what I want. I, like the other 20+ million unemployed people in this nation, want something that at least resembles a REAL (9 to 5) JOB. I’m told they are out there, but I just don’t know where.

So I ran a little experiment. I applied for all the jobs. And I mean ALL of them. Every time there was a new post I would apply. I even went as far as to tailor my emails and resume to make it appear that I was more than qualified for the job. It didn’t matter what the job was. You needed a wedding DJ, I’m your man; you needed a warehouse guy, I’m your man; you needed an intern to work in fashion for no pay, I’m your man. The list went on & on.

After two weeks of this my efforts still came up to ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’.

Not a single reply back.

I was like: “YOU have to be kidding, right?” And to be completely honest, I am not sure what it reflects. Does it reflect that CRAIGSLIST is the words biggest waste of time for searching for a job or is that there are SO MANY poor saps like myself looking that I, and people like me, just get lost in the shuffle?

But not to have a single reply?

Wait, I take that back. I did receive ONE reply back about being paid for writing reviews on the website YELP, a week later telling me to be patent & that since it was a holiday that they would be getting back to everyone after it. Here it is, now, a week after Labor Day, the holiday that was holding them up on doing anything, & still ZERO, NADA, NOTHIN’.

Now I have used CRAIGSLIST before, posting an ad for actors when I was filming my defunct film to a wide response. All of which [the emails I received] I contacted whether I thought they would fit or not, either explaining where & when to go for the audition or explaining that they were not what I was looking for. And we all know that prostitution does more than well since the government has made it their duty to clean up the site. So I know it is possible to find something via CRAIGSLIST.

Perhaps if I respond that I work for so may roses an hour I would have better luck.

But for now all I have to show for my time is ZERO, NADA, NOTHN’.

Friday, August 17, 2012

PUSSY RIOT: The Verdict Is In… The U.S… And What’s Next

To no real surprise by anyone following the case of the Feminist Punk Band, Pussy Riot, and the three members that are on trial (Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, Marina Alyokhina, 24, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 30) were found guilty on the charge for “Hooliganism”. (The Moscow city court system had only a 0.7 percent acquittal rate in criminal trials in 2011, handing down not-guilty verdicts in just 239 of the 35,626 cases tried in court that year, and with a case this high profile you can see why everyone thought the fix was surely in) and has been sentenced to two (2) years behind bars. Judge, Marina Syrova, stating that the women “committed hooliganism driven by religious hatred and offending religious believers.” when they stormed Moscow’s main Russian Orthodox Church back in February to protest the re-election of Russian President, Vladimir Putin and his close ties with Church leaders whom have called his place in power “miracle of god”.

What the basis for this charge?

1) It is forbidden for video and photo cameras to be switched on inside the Cathedral which the band clearly violated when they filmed the impromptu concert. (GASP!)

2) The women were wearing short dresses. "When they bowed (before the altar), their dresses rode up." That, and the band members' clothes did not obey the Russian Orthodox church code (headscarf’s, long skirts). (Doubly GASP!! The band was wearing their trade mark look of gaudy brightly colored -ripped to fit- dresses that looked like they had been on the clothes rack since the 1980‘s, knee high boots and balaclavas to cover their faces) & engaged in homosexual propaganda. (Ah, that I have no idea were it came from) All of it occurring at the "address of God."

Yeah, that pretty much sums up the main points of the charge.

The Judge went on to give detailed descriptions of what several of church goers felt about the protest act the band made. Unfortunately, some of the “offended Church” goers weren’t even there at the time of the protest and some didn’t even know about what had happened until they saw it on the evening news.

The Judge also went as far to say that the band members of “Pussy Riot” "imitated demonic attacks." Really? Is this a fucking court case in the 21 century or we back in the days of Inquisition when the church was on the look out for witches and heretics and anyone else that did not think the way they were told to think.

While the Judge Marina Syrova is on the side of the Russian Orthodox Church (we have to remember here that the head of the Church, Patriarch Kirill, sports a $40,000 watch and is reported to live a “lavish lifestyle”) not everyone in the former Communist nation thinks the same. Polls show that the country is split almost down the middle with what is happening and many fear that this a return to the former glory days when leaders shut down any thought of government protest and stifled free speech.

This extraordinary case is now unquestionably the biggest test of freedom of expression Putin has yet faced.” (Jonathan Rugman, Britain’s Channel 4) The trial of the members of “Pussy Riot” caps off a very tumultuous first 100 days in office for Putin. The Kremlin has been under increasing fire since Putin’s re-election, the once swaggering bravado we saw in his first two terms (& as Prime Minister) has absent this time around; the man who loved to tout himself on Russian television like he the white -better looking- and more important version of Jesse Jackson appeared mostly defensive and downbeat and hasn't even made one of his trademark TV appearances. Instead Putin has been more focused on his opponents, either real or (some even think) imagined, trying to keep them at bay, however, Putin does occasionally make (awkward) attempts to engage them as he did recently while in London for the Olympics when he called for leniency and that court “will come to the right decision”. All of this is in stark contrast to what he has been doing during his first 100 days. One of his [Putin] first acts as President was to appoint Igor Kholmanskikh, a hard-faced tank factory worker, as a as presidential envoy to the Ural Mountains region (who has zero qualifications when it comes to this kind of job). His main selling point is that he [Kholmanskikh] stated on national television that he and his co-workers were ready to go to Moscow “to fight protesters who had started rising up en masse.” Many believe and author Boris Akunin wrote in his blog that Putin thinks that the protesters as a pampered and deluded elite bunch and the move suggests that he [Putin] is trying to exploit class resentments. Rejecting pretensions that he is the leader and president of all of the Russian people, that he [Putin] has started to work exclusively with the “simple people.”

Another thing Putin has done to paint the view that he is trying to return Russia to the former days when the government ruled with an iron fist is that he [Putin] has signed into law a new fine for unauthorized protests that raises it 150 times to 300,000 rubles (about $9,000). However, at the current time the authorities have grant most petitions to protest but many fear that can be reeled in at anytime.

Not long after that, Putin signed into law requiring non-governmental organizations engaging in (what they call as) ill-defined "political activity" and who receive money from abroad to register as foreign agents. The new law reinforces claims by Putin that United States and that of other Western countries are funding efforts against him -again tones in speech that hark back to the days of communism.

Puitn also signed a law that calls for to ban websites that carry content deemed harmful to children. Which can mean anything. Although, said list itself will be kept secret. That part of the law alarms critics saying that it can be used to shut down what they deem as troublesome pro-opposition sites.

The United States government finally came out condemning the proceedings. It was rather odd the U.S. had waited so long in my opinion considering that we are suppose to be the champions of FREE SPEECH. I mean Obama himself doesn’t have to take to the airwaves himself but, fuck, he has staff right? This would be more of a thing that maybe Hillary might want to comment on, right? But since the beginning the government has kept rather quite about it all, along with most of the mainstream NETWORK media. Not to say that is has been all quite of the western front of the “Pussy Riot” trial. Stars like Madonna and Paul McCartney, and Bjork have been more than vocal along with the art and music communities around the world, calling for today to be called “Pussy Riot Action Day”, and calling for their release.

In Ukraine, four feminist activists, one of them topless, used a chainsaw to hack down a wooden cross in Kiev's central square in a show of support.

In Sofia, Bulgaria, supporters of Pussy Riot dressed statues on a Soviet-era monument in colorful balaclavas similar to those worn by demonstrators in Moscow.

In Paris, a protest is planned to coincide with the verdict on Igor Stravinsky Square, near the Centre Pompidou modern art museum. In Washington and capitals around Europe, protests are planned outside Russian embassies.

While journalists in Moscow have spotted downtown statues wearing brightly colored balaclavas, a Pussy Riot trademark.

Prominent Putin critic and opposition leader Alexei Navalny caused a stir when her arrived at the courthouse to show support. And Leftist politician Sergei Udaltsov, another key opposition figure who also came to show support for Pussy Riot, along with two demonstrators -one hooded, the other holding a placard calling for the women's release -where arrested near the court, as dozens of police had been deployed around the court building and metal barricades placed on both sides of the street, preventing any large-scale gathering.

John Dalhuisen, director of Amnesty International's Europe and Central Asia Program, urged Russian authorities to overturn the sentence and release the trio unconditionally. Stating that the verdict was "a bitter blow for freedom of expression in the country." Amnesty as saying that the women's conduct "was politically motivated, and that they were wrongfully prosecuted for what was a legitimate -if potentially offensive- protest action. The organization considers all three activists to be prisoners of conscience, detained solely for the peaceful expression of their beliefs."

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

WELCOME BACK… DEAD!… Ron Palillo (Horshack) Dead @ 63

Arnold Horshack, you remember him… Right? One of the “Sweathogs”… no?

Well in case you don’t, good old Arnold Horshack was played by Ron Palillo on the ’70’s TV Show “Welcome Back, Kotter” (1975-79)… a show I hated, however, “WBK” did the spawn the career of John Travolta… Now, I am assuming you have heard of him. I know few masseuses are saying they do… lol…

Anyway, turns out Ron Palillo [Horshack] has been called to the big principle’s office in the sky via heart attack. Yeah, he’s dead at the ripe old age of 63 this morning at his home in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

Palillo’s acting career kind of stalled after the highly popular “Welcome Back, Kotter” finally graduated the “Sweathogs”, but it was bound to happen… it was a television show about high school and it wasn’t like this class was college material since the class was a knucklehead class to begin with… it seemed that, like many a goof-off character, that Hollywood couldn’t get past the Horshack character.

For the last three years Palillo taught acting class at the G-Star School of the Arts, a Palm Springs Charter School & is his partner of 41 years, Joseph Gramm, a retired actor himself.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pussy Riot Trial Ends and Goes To the Judge

Well, what seems to be rapidly becoming the trial of the century in Russia has officially come to an end. And the fate of Samutsevich, 29, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, and Maria Alyokhina, 24, of -and now probably the most famous band in the world- PUSSY RIOT is now in the hands of the judge presiding over the case, and she has said that she will have a verdict on August 17th.

Not long, but more-than-likely can’t come soon enough to the families of the jailed musicians who have been behind bars since March when they were arrested for their impromptu performance that took place in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Russian Orthodox Christians see the band as doing the devil’s work but they are seen as heroes to those that view what the Russian government seems to have been doing since the return of Vladimir Putin to the presidency, who seems to be cracking down on any one that speaks out against the Kremlin.

Putin severed as President from 2000-2008, served four years as the county’s Prime Minister and now has once again become president unit 2018, and as opposition grows for what has become a job for life for Putin, a former KGB head, he seems to be trying to silence those that oppose the fact that he has shaped Russian policy for -what will be- almost two decades, and many think that this is the return to the old days of the Kremlin and their communist ways, although the Russian Orthodox Church has fared very well under the rule of Putin. Church officials praising god for the man as being a "miracle of God" for his leadership.

However, Pussy Riot's supporters, friends and family say that the judiciary is not independent and fear the worst for the three women with Stanislav Samutsevich, father of Yekaterina Samutsevich, saying, "There is no hope in this court. It is an especially organized tribunal to put pressure on the any manifestation of opposition in the country."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pussy Riot Trial: The Beginning of the End Of the Trail & The Irony Of It All

Like in the United States dissent is a legitimate and essential right in Russia, hell, it’s the corner stone to any democracy, however, I guess in Russia just don’t do it in church. Especially, and the case can be made, that the Orthodox Church in Russia has enjoyed a revival since the fall of communism and their atheist beliefs.

Now, in my eyes anyway, Russia is starting to look and act more like a fundamentalist Arab country like Iran. Which is strange because I was always told that President Putin was old school hard liner, a throw back to the days of the communist party.

In closing arguments this week, Prosecutor Alexei Nikiforov said, "The actions of the accomplices clearly show religious hatred and enmity. Using swear words in a church is an abuse of God. And given the "severity" of the crime, "requisite punishment” must be a real deprivation of freedom.” (Alexei Nikiforov is looking to get a three (3) year sentence.)

Ah, yeah, NO.

Now here is the thing: Maria Alyokhina, 24, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 29, all face charges of Article 13 for Hooliganism, and in that charge there says nothing about speaking out against the church or their beliefs. Actually the charge is as follows:

Article 213. Hooliganism

1. Hooliganism, that is, a gross violation of the public order which expresses patent contempt for society, attended by violence against private persons or by the threat of its use, and likewise by the destruction or damage of other people's property,
shall be punishable by compulsory works for a term of 120 to 180 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of six to twelve months, or by arrest for a term of four to six months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to two years.
2. The same act, if it is:
a) committed by a group of persons, a group of persons in a preliminary conspiracy, or an organized group;
b) connected with resistance to a representative of authority or to any other person who fulfills the duty of protecting the public order or who prevents violation of the public order;
c) committed by a person who was earlier convicted of hooliganism-
shall be punishable by compulsory works for a term of 180 to 240 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of one to two years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to five years.
3. Hooliganism committed with the use of arms or objects used as arms
shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of four to eight years.

And from my understanding of what happened “Pussy Riot” did none of these things except express a “patent contempt” for the re-election Vladimir Putin and his ties with Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, and is what is a clearly lined out in the Russian Constitution committed a clear violation of it by publicly backing Putin in elections. No violence occurred as well no property was damaged during the performance.

This is starting to look more as a show boat of a trial (think Kangaroo court which I have already written about in this case), Putin, using the church to further new laws when it comes to demonstrations against the Kremlin in the wake of the biggest anti-government protests in modern Russian history. And what better way to do it than with fear and outrage, a little slight of hand if you will.

And now slight of hand and misdirection is being used against those from abroad that are speaking out in this case. Namely Madonna who has a planned concert in Moscow coming up on Tuesday. Madonna has told reporters that it would be "a tragedy" if the women were sentenced to prison. Stating: "I am against censorship and in my whole career I have always promoted freedom of expression, freedom of speech, so obviously I think what's happening to them is unfair."

As you might have thought, her words have angered many on the other side of this case who are now accusing Madonna of interfering in the country's internal affairs. Laughable by us, yes, but with the growing divide between Russians over the matter it becomes a concern especially now with religious figures vowing to stage protests outside Madonna's Moscow concert and another performance this week in Saint Petersburg. Ah, the irony in all that. I love the fact that they feel no qualms at all about protesting Madonna with Kirill Frolov, of the Orthodox Experts Association, saying, "We will drop by to say 'no' to blasphemy... and to explain our position to those who plan to attend her concert.” And also telling Interfax news agency: "A woman calling herself Madonna who intends to desecrate the cross, we will not stand for that.”

Now if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black!

Guess we all now have to sit and wait for is surely going to be a conviction of the three women. But how long that sentence will be is anybody’s best guess.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Pussy Riot, Kangaroo Courts & Putin

In a strange twist of fate in the trial of the activist punk band, Pussy Riot, in which three of it’s members face a 7-year prison sentence on “Hooligan Charges” for speaking out against not only the Russian Orthodox Church but the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Putin himself, however, has called on the court for leniency saying that he [Putin] did not think that they should be judge too harshly and added that he hoped the court comes to the “right decision”.

Putin’s comments come as the prosecution called it’s first witnesses, and if these first witnesses are any indication of how the trail is going to go, it harks back to a time when the Russian court system was considered just another extension to KGB where if you found yourself facing charges as thus you basically just went to jail, in what is usually termed as a “Kangaroo Court”. Why do you ask? Well that’s simple: the prosecution’s first witness, a one Oleg Ugrik, wasn’t even there at the time the band performed inside Christ Savior Cathedral. No, he [Ugrik], a construction worker, saw it on the internet, and was reportedly “so disturbed” by the “black energy that swept over him” after viewing the video that he [Ugrik] immediately called the police offering his help, who [the Investigators] of course called on him to testify. Ugrik told the court: “These girls lowered themselves into hell of their own volition. The rot that they have released into society, thanks to the Internet has spread to millions of people.” Ugrik also accused the girls of representing a satanic cult that has “declared war against God and the Orthodox Church. Even while the girls have been in jail this tumor has continued to grow.”

Which takes us to witness number two, Eteri Ivanishvili, who works at another church in Moscow as a bursar. She also wasn’t there. Ivanishvili made her connection to the “crime” (I say that as loosely as I can) via television as it was reported by the news. But since she “supposedly” had witness a similar incident at sometime at her own church the prosecution also thought she’d [Ivanishvili] would make an excellent witness. In her statement to the court, Ivanishvili said, “All the TV channels reported it,” she said. “It was horrible, all those baffled faces of the parishioners. I saw everything.” Although, when she was crossed examined by the defense Ivanishvili could not remember which of multitude of programming of the incident that she actually had seen it on. However, during the cross examination of Ivanishvili, the judge struck down any all questions that were related to politics or, indeed, criminal law. Leaving most of their [The Defense] questions to about the “rules of etiquette that apply in an Orthodox church”. The judge in the case also struck down the question: “If a cell phone starts playing loud music, is it’s owner punished for the disturbance?”

“What all this comes down too really is that people are upset, even angry about the relationship between the Russian government and the Orthodox Church“, according to the band's manager, who is married to one of the suspects. “Under the constitution, there is a clear divide between church and state, so Orthodox leader Patriarch Kyril isn’t really supposed to interfere in politics. But eventually they softened up, and Kirill called Putin’s time in office nothing less than a “godly miracle,” thanking him for saving Russia from the “catastrophe” of the 1990s.”

Back on February 8th of this year, Vladimir Putin, then running for a third term as President, paid a visit to the St. Daniel Monastery where he received the of endorsement from Patriarch Kyril. The endorsement (and the statement by Putin: “We must move away from the primitive notion of separation between church and state. On the contrary, we must devote ourselves to the totally different idea of cooperation.” Then there was the 120 million for the construction of Orthodox churches) brought many thinking that that meeting marked a blatant affront to the constitution. It seemed to conflate religious and political authority when the church worked in the service of the Emperor. Prompting “Pussy Riot” to pull their activist stunt at the holiest site in Russian Orthodoxy, Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

So are we seeing a return to old style politics in Russia? It just might be the case according to Masha Lipman, a political analyst in Moscow. She states: “We are seeing a concerted effort to instill fear, to let everyone know that dissent will no longer be tolerated.” Lipman points out that since his inauguration on May 7th, Putin has used every branch of power as a bludgeon. The Parliament, for instance, has passed new laws restricting street protests. Special forces have raided the homes of activists involved in demonstrations. Courts are also preparing to hear felony charges against other demonstrators later this year. Even some top officials have started advocating censorship of Internet content. And it seems that their first target of these new censorship laws is anticorruption blogger Alexei Navalny, who is said to be the the unofficial leader of the Russian protest movement. Reportedly, Navalny is facing ten years allegedly embezzling half a million dollars worth of timber back in 2009. Although, the charges are woolly that prosecutors have dropped them twice before for lack of evidence. But now it seems the embezzled funds have “somehow” increased by 10x making the charges much more severe.

So it is beginning to seem that the “Pussy Riot” trial is just the first in what is looking like a Russia returning back to it’s former self. And that in fact what happens at this trail will have a long standing effect on the Russian people.

Sources for this are CNN and TIMEWORLD

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Democrats, Once Again Making the Case of Why We Need More (New) Parties

I need to make the point first and foremost here that I am not a Republican nor do I like the Republican party. Then again I am not a Democrat or a fan of their party either because basically the two parties are chocked full of fucking idiots.

Case in point:

The Huffington Post is reporting that in a new documentary by Lauren Greenfield entitled: “The Queen of Versailles” that Florida real estate mogul, David Siegel, dropped off the cuff that he was one that was “personally responsible” for George Bush’s victory over Al Gore in the 2000 election and that "it may not necessarily have been legal." And as you can imagine the idiots from the left (like the idiots on the Right that are all about the stupid fucking “birth certificate”) are chomping at the bit waiting to say: “See, I told you so” have jumped on this in gusto so much so in fact that as I read the story and the posts about it this morning pulling my sorry ass out of bed I had to actually look at the date to make sure that I somehow didn’t sleep backwards in time and that, yes, it is still two-thousand-and-fucking-ten because here they are trying to make the case that Bush was illegally elected and the usual blahblahblah… and how it must be true because Siegel who was -go figure- apparently not happy with the way the film (a film that was about how he [David Siegel] and his wife, Jackie, set out to construct a giant 90,000-square-foot mansion in Florida modeled after Versailles and how their ambitious building project was put on hold following the 2008 financial crisis and not about the election in 2000) portrayed not only his [Siegel] family but his business as well filed a defamation lawsuit right before the premier of the documentary at the Sundance Film Festival.

(I can see the little rats that turn the Nay-Sayers and Anti-Busher’s brains leap into action with thoughts because of the suit that: “yes it all must be true. Otherwise why sue at all.”)

While Huffington Post calls it an unfortunate slip-of-tongue the case can be made that Siegel is somewhat of a braggart when it comes to Bush and the 2000 election. In 2009 Orlando Magazine did a profile of Siegel and he was adamant about his role in the election of Bush, stating in the publication, "It was legal ... I got [Bush] 2,000 votes in Florida."

What ever the case I think it’s high time we move on from this as well as the whole “birth certificate” thing and is he [Obama] a citizen or not shit. Bush’s presidency ENDED (in case you didn’t know) four-fucking-years ago and was re-elected in the four years before that, and Obama is fact facing re-election himself.

Although, this can all be a set up because again the state of Florida is basically up for grabs and if there happens to be another close race that somehow goes Mitt “The Twit” Romney’s way these same people will get to have another go around. Making themselves feel important once again.

Sources for this story include (HUFPOST), Orlando Magazine and other internet related sites.

Friday, July 20, 2012

2012 And the Summer of the Zombie

Maybe we should blame the Mayans and their stupid ass calendar that seems to run out in December but for whatever the reason the summer of 2012 is stacking up to be one of the more bizarre summers in recent history and is rapidly being called “THE SUMMER OF THE ZOMBIE”.

Now we all know what happened back in May in Miami with a drug fueled [Bath Salts], Rudy Eugene, now not drug fueled cannibal attack of Ronald Pappo where half his face was eaten off before cops shot [Eugene] to death. But it seems that the story of zombies and zombie-like-ism doesn’t end there.

In June of this year [2012] just weeks after the Eugene/Pappo attack another incident occurred -also in Florida- where a one Charles Baker burst into his girlfriend -and mother of his children’s home stripped naked and started screaming. When another man at the home, Jeffery Blake, tried to restrain the 26-year-old [Charles] Baker, Baker reportedly bit a large chunk of flesh out of [Blake’s] arm. Police after arriving on the scene tasered Baker twice before they were able to arrest him. He [Baker] was then taken to Manatee Memorial Hospital for a medical -along with a psyche- evaluation were he [Baker] was said to be high on an unknown drug and was charged with aggravated battery.

Then in July (the 11th) another incident along the same lines took place -also in Florida.

Police in St. Augustine were called to a home where the home owner said there was a naked man on his roof.

The home owner (according Daily News the source for this story) was alerted to a possible prowler outside his residence and when he went to investigate found that his patio was torn up and then saw a man climbing the side of the house up onto the roof.

Officers arrived just after 4 a.m. and found the naked man, a one Jeremiah Aaron Haughee (22), trying to be restrained by the homeowner and his son. Haughee reportedly took a bite out both men’s stomachs in the melee.

New York’s Daily reported that it took five officers to subdue Haughee and that confrontation [Haughee] took a chunk out of one the responding officer’s legs. Haughee, even after being tasered, cuffed and shackled still had to be tranquilized by doctors.

Haughee was charged with five counts of battery, three of which were against a police officer, and was later released on a $32,000 bond -if you can believe that.

I don’t know what the fuck is going on in Florida and their ’NAKED’ zombies it seems to be spreading.

Earlier this month [July 2012] in China a drunk buss driver was caught on tape leaving his buss and then attacking a women in a car where he bit her in the face.

According to local Chinese news reports, the buss driver, Dong, had been drinking heavily during lunch with his friends before his outburst where he [Dong] ran into the road of the city of Wenzhou, which is in south-east China, stood in front of a car that was being driven by a woman named Du, stopping her from moving. Dong then climbed on the car’s hood and started beating the vehicle while the panicked woman screamed for help and when she [Du] left the car and tried to escape, Dong leaped on top of her wrestling her [Du] to the ground and started biting Du’s face, leaving her covered in blood. Du was taken to hospital, where doctors said she would need surgery to repair her nose and lips. Dong was taken into custody.

These are not the only weird incidents of zombie-like-attacks. Here is a list with links with other just as bizarre stories that seem to be… related?

May 16, 2012:15 Students and 2 adults break out in a mystery rash after a hazmat exposure at McArthur High School in Hollywood, Florida. The infected appeared to be okay after enduring a decontamination gauntlet, but the cause of the outbreak was not discovered.

May 18, 2012: An unknown chemical exposure shuts down Terminal Two, the Delta Airlines concourse, at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. Three TSA agents and two passengers are sent to the hospital with respiratory ailments.

May 21, 2012: A man in Westchester, Illinois, is apprehended after he grabs an 18-year-old woman by the throat and bites into her cheek.

May 23, 2012: Another Broward county school, this time Lauderdale Lakes Middle School, is put on lockdown while a hazmat squad investigates another contamination incident. Four students and a teacher in a science classroom had a red rash on their wrists, but all report they were not working with chemicals.

May 25, 2012: Hazmat and emergency personnel respond to a Lake County, Florida school after 27 children and adults are sickened on a school bus.

May 25, 2012: A “disoriented” passenger on American Airlines flight 320 from Jamaica to Florida (please note my plausibility of contagion travel to Florida in the article “Is the Miami Zombie part of a government cover-up”) rushes the front of the plane and has to be subdued by his fellow passengers.

May 26, 2012: the same day of he Eugene/Pappo, a Florida anesthesiologist spits blood in the face of a Florida Highway Patrolman who pulls him over for drunk driving. The involved Dr. Zachary Bird is violently agitated and in possession of large quantities of cash and some unknown pills.

May 29, 2012: A man in the Spring Valley area of San Diego bites part of his cousin’s nose offin a fight. Taken individually, it is easy to dismiss these as random unfortunate events. When reviewed as part of a larger picture, consider them as food for thought, rather than becoming food for zombies.Locally, the Longmont Zombie Examiner will continue to monitor the Colorado and Rocky Mountain region for any zombie, or other, paranormal occurrences.

[Other sources for this story are "pakalert", Daily News, and other internet related articles]

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fred Willard Caught Pulling a Pee-Wee

Comedic actor Fred Willard was arrested pulling a Pee-Wee [Herman] both figuratively and literarily while he sat in the porn house (there are still movie theaters that show porn? Who the fuck knew?) the Tiki Theater.

Hollywood Undercover Vice were making a routine looky-loo of the theater when they came across the 72 year-old actor best known for “Everybody Loves Raymond, 1977’s “Fun With Dick and Jane” (ah, the irony) and “This is Spinal Tap” with his pants down and a fist full of his little guy. Not sure which film Willard was partaking in but one of the Triple X titles that is in rotation is called “Step Dad 2”.

Willard was taken into custody and charge with Lewd Conduct (aka Disorderly Conduct) shortly before 9 p.m. LA time. If convicted, Willard, faces fines and possibly a year in jail although that is far from likely. Another well known masturbator, Paul Reubens (Pew Wee Herman), was also caught his pants around his ankles and didn’t serve any time.

Ironically, [Fred] Willard’s legal team is saying since he is (reportedly) going to be in the up coming movie “Yank” that Willard’s so-called Lewdness is part of his method acting style.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Prequels Rule the Day for Television in 2013

Looks like television -A and E and NBC specifically- is getting in on the prequel act as we will be seeing not one but two shows coming from the big screen to the air waves in 2013. And they are not just prequels to any old movies but that of, and what is considered the godfather of the modern slasher movie, Psycho. But not to be out done, or that of Norman Bates, but NBC also has slated a series about one of the most notable killers of the genre with one about Hannibal Lecter.

Bates Motel” explores the twisted world of Norman and his momma, Norma -ain’t that sweet- and the years that lead up to the demise of Norma and how Norman becomes the man he becomes. Dubbed a modern version of another twisted and fucked up tale, “Twin Peaks” brought to us from "Lost's" Carlton Cuse and "Friday Night Lights'" Kerry Ehrin, the show has my interest peeked, especially with how great “American Horror Story” turned out, it’s a nice departure from the tacky reality TV programming that seems to be jamming up the airwaves. I’m just hoping with Cuse and his background in “Lost” that there isn’t some unneeded twist.

"Pushing Daisies" (from creator Bryan Fuller) is going to be NBC’s foray into the real horror genre as the network picks up before “Silence of the Lambs” begins (NBC has already dipped it’s preverbal toe into the dark genre waters with “GRIM”). Unfortunately, "Pushing Daisies", being on regular network television and not cable that the show will be TV-Friendly and might get it’s balls cut off before it even exposes it’s first frame of film.

A&E’s series is not the first attempt to bring a "Psycho" spinoff, ironically NBC aired a 90-minute made for TV movie also titled "Bates Motel" back in 1987.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nick Stahl: The Actor in the Wind

There has still been no word on the whereabouts of Nick Stahl a week after his wife, Rose [Stahl], called off the search for her husband after he dropped off the radar when leaving rehab against medical advise.

"I'm backing off" ... Rose told TMZ… "He knows exactly where home is. It's the loving thing to do for him, myself and our daughter."

Originally Rose [Stahl] enlisted the help of the LAPD when her husband first went missing back in May only to turn up via e-mail to friends saying he would seek help with his addiction problem. Now, however, she [Rose Stahl] is taking the approach of letting her man come home from the cold. And the Los Angeles Police Department has confirmed that there is NO missing persons report of file for [Nick] Stahl.

 Rose, on the other hand, admits that she too is an addict and therefore needs to focus on her own recovery as well as raising her daughter.

Rose writes via her blog, “I’m giving him to God now. It’s time to stop trying to control the outcome as if I could in the first place.”

Pussy Riot: On the Moscow Front…

As dozens of Russian intellectuals and prominent cultural figures (many of whom are supporters of President Vladimir Putin) address a letter to the Supreme Court and Moscow City Court calling for the release of the three jailed activist rockers of Pussy Riot, the Tokyo Palace in Paris has opened a display in support of the Russian feminist punk band.

The first display of the “Pussy Riot Case” entitled “Alert” will focus upon the fate of Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Ekaterina Samutsevich and Maria Alehina -who face up to seven years in jail- with video recordings of other Pussy Riot actions, works of the Russian artists who support the band, and posters and photographs. The three women have been imprisoned since March and are being charged with hooliganism after a February prank prayer at Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, in which they [The Band, Pussy Riot] asked Mother Mary to deliver Russia from Putin's return to the Kremlin for a third term. Kremlin-controlled media have lambasted the band for "blasphemy" and disrespect to the Russian Orthodox Church, the country's largest, because of the performance of their [Pussy Riot] “Holy Shit” punk prayer.

However, more than 100 prominent cultural figures have come to the aid to the jailed Pussy Riot rockers, calling for their release. Among the signatories are Chulpan Khamatova, a popular actress and co-founder of the Gift of Life Charity, and actor and theater director Yevgeny Mironov. In all, the list of supporters includes 103 musicians, actors, filmmakers, singers and other cultural figures. In a copy letter that was published Wednesday in Moskovsky Komsomolets, the supporters state that the actions of Pussy Riot do not constitute a criminal offense and for the women, two of whom are young mothers, to be freed from custody.

"The girls did not kill anyone, they did not rob, did not commit violence, did not destroy or steal anyone's property.” the letter also states. "We see no legal basis or practical reason for the further isolation of these young women, who do not pose any real danger from society.”

Alertwill be on display until July 20.