Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Ol’ Celebrity IN & OUT

Ah, yes. Don’t you love it? What is “it’ you ask? Well, the “IT” being how celebs seem to time and time again skirt the law (mostly. Not every time) when it comes to getting into trouble and serving jail time.

Take the two recent celebrity news hounds (or should I say whores. But hey, whores need love too) that have seemed to fill the bill and find themselves yet again on the wrong side of the iron bars: Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.

I mean what the fuck. Paris gets a slap on the wrist for a felony drug charge -a year suspended sentence and no jail time if she stays out of trouble for that year. And Lindsay, who out and out disobeyed the court during her trail (servers what? A little over a week), and now fails yet again another court order to stay clean, goes to jail and is out a day later. Oh, yeah. She might be facing a whooping 30 days. Big Fucking deal.

Now if it was someone like you or me -normal folk- who pulled shit like this, you think we’d get the same treatment? Hardly. Money and fame walk all the time, and not only in this country.

That isn’t to say that I don’t love to watch these over glamorous morons get into trouble. I hate to admit it but I do. Following the Train Wreck that is Lindsay is most enjoyable. Not that I don’t like her. It could be anybody, not just her. And there will always someone to take her place when that train ride finally comes to end either way. Redemption or the grave.

But the tears I shed won’t be because one of these fools we put on a pedestal end in tragedy; the train coming to a fiery end like most ‘Train Wrecks’ of life do. It’ll be because I’ll have to find a new source of entertainment. And sometimes getting good entertainment is hard to find even when there’s an abundance of shit to stroll for.

Can anyone say: “The Cast Of The Jersey Shore”? Or how about one the other endless reality clap traps that are out there. But with that said, reality stars don’t have the same mojo as so called real stars do, and it’ll be interesting in the least to see how many of them walk out of trouble as easily as the others.


Asha said...

Don't lie cried a little when Britney Spears crawled into obscurity and started taking her meds, right? My daughter watches the Disney channel and Nickeldeon and I sit back on the sofa occasionaly looking up from my laptop and wonder which one of those little teeny-boppers will be the next hot mess.

Paul Dabrowski said...

Lol...You got me, Asha. I'm just hoping she's going to make a comeback. But until then I have my pick...Disney and Nickeldeon are great sources for up and coming train