Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Justin Bieber Flies the Coop After Assault

By now we have heard the new about how teen heartthrob, Justin Bieber (aka: The Bieb), assaulted a paparazzo and is wanted for questioning about the incident by LA County Sheriffs. But instead of facing the music The Bieb seems to have flown the coop so-to-say, and has jetted off to Europe for what he is calling “PHASE 1 of operation secret concerts."

While not “yet’ considered a fugitive from the law -I don’t see The Bieb’s people letting this situation get that far out of control.- but he is at the moment facing “Misdemeanor Battery” and LA County Sheriff are not happy with the fact that The Bieb hasn’t yet complied to their requests for an interview. The Bieb again took to his favorite mouth piece, tweeting: "going to board. OFF TO EUROPE!”, and, "we came up from the bottom TOGETHER. every step we were doubted. I doubted...but you were always there ... we work hard. we grind it out. nothing is stopping us."

However, this isn’t the first brushes with the law.

Last year The Bieb was accused of fathering a fan's child, but he was exonerated when the woman withdrew her paternity suit. Bieber took a paternity test anyway, saying: “I didn’t have to do it, I did it because I wanted to. I wanted everything to be out in the open.” And back in 2010, The Bieb’s was facing assault charges in Canada where he was accused of punching a 12 year-old boy at a laser tag center in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. Although sources told TMZ (the source for this assault) that the alleged victim was actually the aggressor as he called Justin a homophobic slur before getting physical with him (Bieber). The October incident’s charges were later dropped by the father of the victim.

From some reason, Bieber is currently training with former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, which has fueled speculation that he did, in fact, assault the photographer. He is also preparing to go on the new Believe tour to promote his album of the same name.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Justin Bieber: Looks Like The Bieber Is Getting His Tough Guy On

When I think of the Bieber (in truth I never do unless I hear or see his name, like today) the last thing I’m thinking about is him being anything that resembles a tough guy.

Turns out that the Bieb is out to change that perception.

It looks on Sunday and is being reported that the Bieb assaulted a paparazzo as he (Bieber) and his girlfriend, Selena Gomez were leaving a shopping center in Calabasas, Calif when witnesses say that the Bieb, pissed that he was being photographed, rushed from the van he was getting into and had, shall-we-say: words with the cameraman. According to a press release from the Malibu Sheriff's Office, the photographer reported that the singer "physically battered" him during the confrontation and needed medical attention. The Photog was later released from an area hospital.

Although, witnesses did tell TMZ that that the photographer had trapped the Bieb's car and refused to move it which ultimately caused the altercation and afterwards that the photographer was then approached by a lawyer who happened to be there and advised him that he should call the police and make a report.

The Bieb, however, made his escape before officers arrived on scene.

LA County Sheriffs are investigating the incident and plan on interviewing the teenage singer.

I guess the Bieb has found some balls while hanging out with Rappers and Boxers or is at least trying to appear that way. That, and how sad is that the photog needed medical attention after his run in with the Bieb.

So far there has been no word from the Bieb’s peeps and he (Bieber) took to Twitter -his favorite mouth piece- and told followers the he was "gonna focus on the important stuff. the music."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

You Know You Want to Know: Season 6 Update for Jersey Shore

If Mtv’s “Jersey Shore” hasn’t yet jumped the shark then I think (and pray) this is the season for it.

Season 6 of the (somehow) famed show finds that soon-to-be the worlds worst mother, Snookie (just kidding, maybe she won’t be. But I have a feeling that we have already had and seen a little taste of what is to come with that other famed idiot mother: THE TAN MOM, Patricia Krentcil) won’t be living with her roommates in the house that stupidity built. TMZ reports that Snookie, while she’ll be on the show, feels that she’ll be to far along in her [Snookie] pregnancy to live in the atmosphere that has made the show popular and will have her own little pad near the Shore House.

In related news from the Shore, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino fresh out of rehab for substance abuse will still be part of the cast.

Sorrentino recently disclosed in an interview with MTV News' Sway Calloway, that he was back on the mend and it has been hard [dealing with sobriety], but he just has to take it one day at a time. Sorrentino has regretted what happened between him and fellow idiot, Snookie, saying that he regretted hurting Snooki's feelings in the past and that if he could turn back time he would definitely do things differently.

On how he feels about the rest of his housemates, Sorrentino states that he doesn’t hold any grudges. “Looking back, I see how I went from being the hero in the first two seasons to a "villain" in seasons three, four and five. At that time I didn't mind," he said about his slide to the dark side. "I figured somebody's gotta be the villain. [But] I'm definitely not that person today for sure. I don't have any animosity towards anybody."

When asked if he plans on going out to the usual Shore hang outs, Sorrentino stated: “Hell Yeah!” and when asked if that was a wise idea and didn’t he think that it might damage his progress with sobriety he told Sway, “Nah. I’m a changed man. I wake every day these days with a smile, happy to be alive. Happy to have the family that I have. Happy to have the fans that I have, the friends. Happy to be involved in the show ... almost like a smell-the-roses moment. I'm happy where I'm at, man. I love what I do ... I know where I am and I know where I'm gonna be and that's all that counts."

Sounds like a royal love fest is going to be happening this season. I one can’t wait to miss. That and the old adage: Add a baby in the mix when there wasn’t one before and it is pretty much series death.

The only bright side I see is possibility of getting to watch Sorrentino fall off the wagon on to his face, although I have a feeling that Mtv producers won’t let that happen. At least not this season. If the ratings tank then you know that they’ll be waving drinks under his nose.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What Number Makes a Tramp?

Earlier, while driving to Jewel for a much needed booze trip I happened upon a story so ridiculous -for today, anyway- that I need to vent.

Unfortunately I have to put on my “Sex In The City” panties for it… lol

The story goes: what number makes a woman a tramp?

I mean, what the fuck?! And this was coming from a woman no less. The female caller was concerned about a friend who recently broke up with their boyfriend and was sorta-kinda dating this new dude and she [The Caller] was sure that her friend was going to take it to the next level even though she had no thoughts of this relationship being a steady one, more of the rebound variety (one of my personal favs… lol). But [The Caller] stated this would be number ten on the DID LIST. And in all sense and purposes putting the friend in -dare I say it- double digit territory.

So the topic became: What number makes the woman trampy or slutty? Is it more than 10? 50? 100?

I know some stupid individuals (religion anyone?) think anything more than 1 is a slut. But come on. How practical is that? But seriously, what number defines a person’s moral aptitude when comes to sex? And why the fuck should there be a number.

Us guys can fuck, fuck, fuck away and never have to worry about being chastised for our sexual encounters. Hell, we are usually praised for them. So why can’t women be treated the same way?

So I say: women, don’t care about the number. It’s ridiculous to even have to worry about it. For the idiot man who says that he wants to marry a virgin: more power too ya. And enjoy that boring ass sex life. Well, that is until you get so bored that you start cheating on her with slutty tramps who know how to fuck.

I think women should experiment with sex. Experiment in great deal before thinking about settling down with anyone.

So the answer to the question of what number makes a woman a tramp? Who cares!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nick Stahl, Alive, Well, and in Rehab

Turns out that Terminator star, Nick Stahl, is no longer a missing person.

His wife, Rose (Stahl), confirmed to E! News the actor had checked himself into rehab on Saturday (05-19-12) a day after turning up via E-Mail. (Nick) Stahl had emailed earlier friends saying that during his disappearance that he was trying hard to get clean and not drifting aimlessly through the Skid Row area of LA as thought and would check himself into rehab today.

This brings an end to the mystery of his (Stahl) whereabouts. He had been reported missing by his wife (Rose) almost a week ago, and she feared that he was in trouble because of his drug use.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mmm... Tastes Like Chicken

You have heard of the saying: “All is fair in love and war. And buisness is war” But from the look of it Taiwanese business men are taking it one step further.

Chow Hok Kuen (28) was arrested earlier today on the charges that he planned to sell six roasted fetuses. The fetuses were recovered in Kuen’s Bangkok hotel room after a tip to police about a website advertising the sale of fetuses. When police searched Kuen’s room they discovered six roasted fetuses covered in gold packed inside his luggage. Kuen had planned to sell the fetuses in Taiwan because they could be used for black magic rituals because fetuses are believed to bring good fortune for businesspeople.

Kuen said that he could fetch up to 200,000 Thai baht ($6,300).

The British born Kuen is facing charges of hiding and covering dead bodies. If convicted Kuen could get a year behind bars.

The British Foreign Office confirmed the arrest and will provide consular assistance if necessary.

Where the fetuses came from is unclear.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Suspected Serial Killer Roams Mississippi's Highways (UPDATED)


The road hummed underneath the tires of the Crown Vic as the night wrapped around him like an old lover, but he was still anxious, still on the hunt. Only one thing would take away that feeling and it couldn’t come soon enough.

As if God had him on his mind, red tail lights appeared in the distance ahead. Prayers answered.

The Crown Vic leaped like a stallion from the gate as he pressed the accelerator to the floor. The red tail lights grew, at first from two dots then to what could be considered eyes, and in no time the outline of the trunk

He hugged close to the bumper of the car ahead of him, grabbed from the floor the rotating light he bought from the flee market not long ago. The light wiggled back and forth from it’s perch on the dashboard. And he started flashing his high beems on and off in unison. The car ahead braked, it’s turn singled began flashing and the car pulled over onto the soft gravel of the road’s shoulder.

He took a deep breath as he put the Crown Vic in park, steadying his nerves. He didn’t want to be to quick, but he didn’t want to linger either. He could see through the back window as the faint dome light popped on and the figure behind the wheel lean over and reach for something out of view. His pulse quicken at the sight. What was he reaching for? Only time would tell him and that time was now.

The Crown Vic’s door clicked quietly as he pulled the lever. But unlike the vehicle before him his dome light did not go on, for having been yanked out not long after purchase. The gravel crunched lightly under his feet as he walked up the other car’s door, and before the man inside could react he snapped on the flashlight he was carrying. The man in the car shielded his eyes from the intensity of it.

“Good evening officer. I didn…”


The pistol jerked in his other hand as he pulled the trigger; louder than he thought it would be outside the range where he practice for this moment.

Blood exploded as the bullet struck the driver in the arm, spinning him tightly around in his seat. The action so sift that he thought he had missed the driver completely and was now going for a weapon of his own. But he wouldn’t let him get the chance to use it. He took a deep set backward onto the road itself and began firing rapidly through the door and the window until the gun was empty.

Stillness regained the night when he was done firing. He stepped closer to peer inside and was satisfied with the result. The man lay bloodied upon the front seat. Not quite dead, but nearly so. It would just be a matter of time.

This is a fictionalized account of what is now really going on in Mississippi. Authorities in Mississippi are urging drivers to be wary when being pulled over by a police officer after two people were shot and killed by someone they think could be posing as an officer and getting people to stop. "We urge everyone to be cautious while driving, especially at night," the Tate County Sheriff's Office posted on their Facebook page.

Two drivers were killed on northern Mississippi highways within days of each other and investigators in multiple counties and federal officials are working to find out who may be behind the killings.

One driver, Tom Schlender, 74, from Nebraska (on his way to pick up his grandson from college), was found in his car on Interstate 55 in Panola County on May 8 about 1:30 a.m. Three days later, Lori Carswell, 48, from Mississippi (on her way home from work at a local casino) was found near her car on Mississippi Highway 713 in nearby Tunica County about 2:15 a.m..

The shootings appear to be random and there is no known connection between the victims. Police are analyzing shell casings discovered at both scenes and have launched a dragnet, saturating the area, looking for clues and a possible suspect. "We do not have any witnesses at this point," DeSoto County District Attorney John Champion told the Associated Press. "We're asking the community for help." Authorities suspect the shooter may be pretending to be a cop because the perpetrator may have been driving a white or gold unmarked Crown Victoria sedan, which can resemble a police car. "There's been instances where a vehicle described as a white unmarked Crown Victoria attempting to pull people over," Tate County Sheriff Brad Lance said. "If someone attempts to pull you over with flashing lights and you feel unsure of stopping, DON'T PULL OVER. Use your cell phone and dial 911 and if it's a real officer then the dispatcher will confirm it for you and if it's not a real officer they will send help to you. Our deputies have been told not to overreact if someone does not immediately pull over," the sheriff's office wrote. "Your safety is our primary concern."


TUNICA, Miss.- Residents are breathing easier as they learn that Mississippi authorities are confirming that a man was in custody in relation to two fatal highway shootings, and they add that he was expected to be charged with two counts of capital murder later.

The Mississippi Highway Patrol's Bureau of Investigation has worked alongside the Tunica Police Department and the Tunica County Sheriff's office to track down the killer of Thomas K. Schlender (74), and Lori Anne Carswell (48).

Officers in Mississippi were called to a scene of a disturbance at 9:00am local time on May 15 and originally arrested -now suspect in the killings along Mississippi Highways- James D. Willie (28) for aggravated assault, kidnapping and rape. Police at the scene of the disturbance said they found Willie with a woman who alleged that he had raped her, according to a statement issued by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety on Friday.

"At the time of his arrest, a Ruger 9mm, semi-automatic handgun was found in Mr. Willie's possession. It was determined after a testing by state Crime Lab scientists, the weapon matched the weapon used in [the] two murders in northwest Mississippi last week," the statement added.

Willie is expected to be officially charged today [May 18th 2012].

Dateline Hollywood: Nick Stahl, Missing

Nick Stahl, star of the fantastic but short lived HBO show, “Carnival“; “Sin City“, and probably best known for “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines“, has been reported missing.

On Monday Stahl’s wife, Rose Stahl, filed a missing person’s report stating that she had not seen the 32 year-old actor since May 9th and fears that he may be lost amongst the lost souls of the Skid Row area of Los Angeles -where she [Rose Stahl] says he has been frequenting- and may be addicted to drugs.

Back in February of this year [2012] Stahl’s wife filed papers in LA County Court "expressing serious concerns that Nick may be using drugs”, and she fears drugs are intrinsically related to his disappearance. However, at the moment the 32 year old actor's representative declined to comment on the situation. Stahl has two movies currently in post-production and he is due to star in “Away From Here“, alongside Alicia Witt and “American Dream“, to be directed by Janusz Kaminsky, known for his work on Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan.

Stahl and his wife have been married for the past three years and have a daughter. The two, however, have been estranged for the past few months, and [Rose] Stahl filed for full custody of their two-year-old daughter, Marlo Murphy Stahl. [Rose] Stahl had also requested that Nick only be granted visitations with these restrictions: all visits must be monitored by a professional visitation monitor; he [Nick] must pay for the monitor, and he must submit to a drug test proving he hadn’t used drugs or alcohol within 24 hours of the visitation and the results must be provided to [Rose] Stahl at least six hours prior the visit. [Rose] Stahl had also requested child support do to the fact that she does not have a job and Nick reportedly made $500,000 last year [2011].

Nick confidently declared at the age of 4 that acting would be his future after his mother, Donna, took him to a see child‘s play. Soon after commercials and community plays followed, and two television movies were also released in the early 90s. Stahl would not get the breakthrough he needed until 1993’s “The Man Without a Face” where he starred along side Mel Gibson. For the past decade Nick [Stahl] has been best known for more edgier indie films.

Stahl, as of late, has had legal problems. This year Stahl was arrested for not paying the full amount of a cab bill. Where after arriving at his destination, Stahl told the driver he didn't have the money to pay. The driver then flagged down a police officer and Stahl was arrested and forced to put up $500 in bail before being released.

Some believe that this part of the “curse” of the John Connor role for the Terminator series. Thomas Dekker, who played Connor in the TV series "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" was arrested for DUI in 2009, and Edward Furlong, who was Connor in "T-2," was also arrested for DUI and was served with a restraining order by his ex-wife. Furlong has been reported to have a drug and alcohol problem as well.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Thing One Over Hears at the Bar

I specifically sat near the end of the bar for the reason that since the only chair near me was on the corner -thankfully the ones to my left had been stolen by a party and drag to the other end- figuring that no one would sit there in essence to be left alone. I have this strange disposition -while being a rather imposing looking fellow- for people wanting to strike up conversations when I lest want one. Like today for that matter. When I felt the bump along my back and then as if by magic the corner seat was occupied with a woman that I had passed by talking to her friends and smoking on the way inside. However she was kind enough to bring along her smoking buddies so I wouldn’t hold (hopefully) any attention. Unfortunately the trio were rather loud and boisterous. Not something one wants sitting next to them when they are tying to read. But then again who the hell reads at a fucking bar. Well besides me.

At least they weren’t boring.

I make a practice to listen in to people’s conversations that I find might be some what interesting. And while you may think that is wrong of me all I can say is please! I know that most of you have done it yourselves, and if you don’t like the thought of me listening then don’t sit next to me.

So like I said: I listened in as the woman who sat next to me probe the mix drink menu wondering what the difference was between the top shelf Margarita and the bottom shelf. And though I did not want to insert myself in their conversation (now if they were the least bit attractive then it might have been a different story) I grew quickly tired of the three of them not knowing the difference between the two liquors and felt compelled to school them.

“Top shelf means they use a better Tequila, hence the meaning “top shelf”. When ever you here them say that the liquor is of better quality compared to, say, the bottom shelf. It also means it is more expensive.”

The three look back me, and while the woman who sat directly nodded her head in understanding, her friends gave me the “Who do I think I am” stare. But whatever. I got them to shut up about what it was, I went back to my book. Or, at least tried too.

After that the conversation turned to the bar tender and what was now the difference between the house Margarita and the day’s special Margarita -which I am sure is the special every day. But I bit my tongue in lo of the reappearance of the “stare”.

“Well,” the bar keep began, “if you want my opinion I like the house one myself better. It is stronger than the special.”

“Oh,” the woman replied, then sat there smacking her lips as she tried to decided and in the end all three ordered the special.

The bar keep just shook her head and went off to fill the latest rubes to fall for the specials scandal.

Again I went back to my book.

And again to no avail.

Only now, instead of trying to figure out the drink menu and what to order, the woman next to me began her little story in trying to find a motel room. (turns out she was in town for a family reunion. How special I thought)

“So, I pull into the Day’s Inn and ask the girl behind the desk if there were any clean rooms. She told me -rather snotty I might add- that all their rooms were clean. So I told her I wanted to see one. The girl just looked at me like I was crazy and then said that they weren’t clean yet. That’s when I told her that I thought she said that they were all clean…

Desk Girl: “Mam, our rooms are clean. Check in is after 4 p.m. and it is only now 2. The maids are working on them now.”

Woman: “Well don’t you have any clean that I can look at?”

Desk Girl: “For what purpose?”

Woman: “Because I want to see one.”

Desk Girl: “What is it that you are looking for?”

Woman: “I want to see if it meets up to my standards or I’ll just keep on going down the road.”

Desk Girl: “You know what? I think that you should just keep moving down along the road.”

“Oh no she didn’t,” the woman at the far end of the trio exclaimed, sucking the last of her drink through straw.

“Oh yes she did!”

“Well, that girl obviously didn’t know what kind a person you are. So how big of an ass whipping you give her?”

“None. I just picked up bag, snapped my fingers and left.”

“Oh, girl, I am surprised.”

I decided to take my leave since I had read the same paragraph four times since they sat and now that their conversation was turning to how weak the Margarita was… she told them, I thought as I left, that the house one was the way too go.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Are We Becoming an Overly Pop-Cultured Trash-bag Nation?

Yes I know, America has been obsessed with pop culture for ages. But lately it seems that we are taking the absolute worst pop culture has to offer and running away with it; Big Corporations taking it over and shoving endless things of pop culture shit down all our throats and having us think that this is what we need and have to have because it is “COOL”. And I know that is what big Business has been doing since the advent of the printing press.

But as I looked through today’s (05-13-12) sales papers, always on the look out myself for needless things I think that I should buy, I came across an add that is so vile, so needless that I have to rant.

While reality bullshit has been crossing over for a few years now, like with the Kardashian’s supposedly being fashion icons with their shitty clothing line that Sears is pawning off of on teens that don’t have a clue of what fashion is because their interpretation of fashion comes from that crap ass Kardashian TV show and other brain dead product placement shows like it that seem to ply the airwaves, however, while the Kardashians are actual people -stupid retarded people, they are still people. Now enter American Idol. That faceless bastion of asshole that plagues our television sets for far too long with their so called amateur singing contest, even though, it is pretty much fixed from the start because you can be a failed signer and still have a chance to be on the show, and the show’s producers already have it in mind what they want to put forth and make a star. These fucks have now come out with their own brand of clothing brought to you by TRAGET STORES. Awesome.

Now I can see if you are a designer on how you’d want contestants wearing your clothing the same way these artists all want to have a guest shot on performing because it’ll increase your sales. But what the fuck. Now these douche bags, while molding shit out of music and have your teens think how they want it, now have a new outlet of trash that, in truth, know nothing about other than they know that since their fucking name is on it stupidity will run out and buy it.

But who is to blame fro this? American Idol and other reality crap? Or is it us as the consumer?

I think the answer is two fold and both are to blame. If we as people are dumb enough to buy this crap then I guess they should be suave enough to give the idiots what they want. Because we seem to have raised a generation that is obsessed with pop culture -no matter what it is or how fucking dumb- and we no one to blame but our parents that helped start the idiocy process going.

So don’t feel bad when your idiot teen wants to be the next Snookie, auditioning for the latest fuck-head reality show where you can watch them drink themselves stupid, spread their legs for everything, and maybe make the next season on “16 and Pregnant” all the while wearing their brand new American Idol clothing.

Keep up the good work since channels like MTV (who no longer show any music videos in lo for reality television), BRAVO, and E who only do reality crap and the all the Nation channels who have reality shit in their rotations are always on the look out for new stupid individuals who are willing to what ever it takes for their 15 minutes.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Now Why Can't More Religions be this Fun

I think I might want to be a Monk. The Reuters Link below outlines a pretty cool time some Monks seem to have had. Too bad most KOreans won't see it my way

Gambling, drinking monks raise hell in South Korea | Article | Lifestyle | Reuters.com

TOP 10 Picks for places to Ride

I'm a huge cycling fan and I do happen to ride myself and I am always on the look out for great places to ride. The link below are Travel Picks picks. And they are pretty cool places to hit.


Travel Picks: Top 10 cycling destinations | Article | Lifestyle | Reuters.com