Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No Love for Obama by the Nuge as Secret Service Looks into Comments

Looks like the Motor City Madman, Ted Nugent, is taking a page out of Ozzie Gilliun’s book by
sticking his foot in his mouth and I either expect
some kind of retraction or an explanation on Nugent’s recent comments about Obama and if he is re-elected to office in November. Stating that: “if Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” The Nuge also claims that the Obama administration is about as "vile," "evil," and "America-hating one can get, and he [Nugent] has about the same love for the Democratic wing of the Supreme Court.

Oops. Probably not the wisest thing to say, especially about a sitting President. Because while we supposedly enjoy Freedom of Speech, however, there are some things people can’t say or imply when it comes to the big boy in charge. Namely you can not threaten to kill the President. Do I think that is what Nugent is doing with his remarks that he made at the NRA convention? No. I don’t think that at all. [Ted] Nugent is somewhat of a loudmouth and likes to say things to get a reaction which his getting in spades at the moment.

However, this little statement has put Presidential Candidate,
Mitt Romney, is the same precarious situation Obama has
recently found himself in with people associated with them
making wide and off the cuff remarks with Bill Maher echoing
earlier statements made by Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen's
 comments about Ann Romney being a stay-at-home mom and "never worked a day in her life“. Though Maher took it a step further saying that [Romney] can not relate to the woman who have to get up and leave the house for their job saying: "What she meant to say, I think, was that Ann Romney has never gotten her ass out of the house to work."


Rosen has since apologized for her comments after taking a lot of flack from just about everywhere
 including the White House, whereas, we know Maher will stick to his guns about what he said even though there are calls for him and his SuperPac to return the million dollars they received from the Obama administration for the up coming election.

Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky and someone will convince both Nugent and Maher to get in the ring and duke it out. Throw in same cash for the two and I think that they might consider it. But for now I guess we’ll just have to watch tweetal-dee and tweetal-dumb lash out verbally. Which is always fun as well.

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