Monday, April 16, 2012

The U.S. Government Fucking it’s Citizens Once Again

This is kind of an old story but it has come back to light with the Supreme Court handing a bullshit ruling.

While the population of the United States sits and waits for the Supreme Court to figure out a ruling on the legality of Obama-Care (there those praising the fact that they might actually over turn the law) but as we are lead a stray once again by the tips of preverbal nose we have the Supreme Court handing down a ruling that is completely Unconstitutional.

Arizona Rancher, Roger Barnett, has been stuck in legal limbo and at battle since 2004 by holding illegal (that’s the key word here: FUCKING ILLEGAL) immigrants at gun point (26 of them) until authorities arrived. However, according to the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund he had infringed upon their rights by doing so. Never mind that A) they are fucking illegal, B) Tresspassing upon the Barnett’s land, and C) there have been a rash of murders of AMERICANS by illegal’s that are crossing the border. But hey, never mind any and all of that. Who cares, right? But if you do something about it and on YOUR property, the same way you would if it was some cracked out asshole that was a U.S. citizen, to someone jag off that is sneaking across the border of YOUR country well now you are now just asking for trouble.

The Supreme Court has handed down a ruling for Barnett to pay some $80,000 dollars in restitution for violating the rights of 3 these assholes because of -get this: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Really? Are we fucking kidding? What about Barnett’s Stress Disorder of having to deal with illegal’s coming on his land or having to deal with his OWN country’s legal stupidity? Can he [Barnett] sue the government for allowing this to happen? No. You are shit of luck then. And never mind about the poor bastard last year killed while jet skiing on a lake that is on the U.S./Mexican border. Lets not even worry about that. Where are the rights for his widow?

I’m still trying to figure out how the hell they had a case because according to the U.S. law YOU give up your rights once you trespass on someone's property without permission, not to mention coming crossing the border, or should I say around the border.

It just goes to show that OUR government does NOT hold OUR best interests at heart. Not in any sense of the word. But god forbid we upset the Mexican government.

Tell you what. How about we AMERICANS sneak across the border and take over some town. How long before we are locked up by the Mexican police. And how long will we sit in a Mexican Jail cell waiting to either get deported or put on trail for illegally coming into their country. And how hard will OUR government fight to get us released and WHO on the Mexican side will fight for rights and OUR Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

I’m thinking we are FUCKED across the board on that regard.

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