Monday, April 16, 2012

Pipa Middleton Stariing in: "From Paris with Love... Actually with Gun"

Opps. At least that is what Pipa Middleton, sister-in-law to the next King of England, is thinking right about now.

The 28 year-old seems to be caught up in a little scandal with pointing a gun at paparazzi. Well, not Pipa, per say, but a (unnamed at the moment) friend and the driver of the Audi she was riding in. But then again we know all about how the French paparazzi are, i.e. Princess Diana.

The driver, however, was supposedly joking when he pointed a 9mm semi auto pistol at a photog, but the thing is I guess this little jester is becoming a bigger deal than any of them thought it would. Turns out that pointing a weapon (real or fake) at someone in France is a punishable offense. Leading up to years behind bars. What the fuck is that about? Lets see. Chase someone to the point of an accident, an accident where the person you are trying to photograph is killed, that’s okay, but no no no when it comes to pointing even a fake gun at somebody. You almost think that OUR Justice Department was making laws there.

The image, released to the London newspaper The Sun by the French photographer at whom the pistol was aimed, shows Middleton looking back at the paparazzo grinning as her friend, the driver, reaches down and then aims the gun. Guess in France laughing as your buddy does something stupid is punishable as well. Because it seems that the Paris Judicial Police department is "poised" to launch a probe into the incident. Charges could result in prison sentences of up to seven years for all four people in the car, or a two-year sentence if the gun turns out to be a fake. Sources close to the Judicial Police state that: "If the evidence points to her involvement, she will be prosecuted. Anybody involved in the illegal use of a handgun in public is liable to arrest and interrogation.”

[Pipa] Middleton is no stranger to the paparazzi. Dubbed “Her Royal Hotness” since the Royal Wedding, even before really, Middleton has been hounded by photogs who catalogue just about every move she makes. And being the party girl that she [Pipa] is, it just gives the paparazzi more the reason to chase her down and with Britons and Americans alike who are obsessed by Middletone, they have plenty sources to ply their trade.

Buckingham and the Royal family have yet to comment on the rare gaffe. Rumors have it that [Pipa] Middleton has been coached on how to behave when it comes to photographers.

The French photographer whom the apparent weapon was pointed at is still weighing in on whether to file a formal police complaint, according to The Sun’s editor for everything royal, Duncan Larcombe, on this mornings (04/16/2012) Good Morning America. Saying that: "We're told he isn't ruling anything out yet."

While this incident might put a stop to [Pipa] Middleton’s partying lifestyle we all know that there won’t e any jail time for any involved.

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