Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tales From the Wal-Mart Chronicles

Ah, parenting. The blessed thing that usually comes with life. But, regreatably, most people that are parents shouldn't be.

Case in point:

I am (as I write this, yes I am at the moment blogging from my phone) at Wal-Mart, the greatest store on Earth, or happy town as I like to call it, so here I am perusing the movie section, minding my own buisness when I over hear this family also looking over the movies (mom, dad, teenage son I'm guessing 14, daughter 10) looking for something for the daughter when I hear the mom say: "what about this one: "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"?" And I'm like REALLY?! Has this dumb bitch not heard of the things that take place in said film. Now, mind you, I really enjoyed the Dragon Tattoo. But I'm 41. Then again why should I be surprised that this woman is suggesting this film. She probably heard the name during oscar season and since it was on the award show then it must be okay, right? Now, before anyone gets all upity about it's tough being a parent these days and people can't be on top of everything the teenage asks if he can buy a movie if he pays her back when they get home.

"What movie?" Mom asks.

The son puts his hand of the cover of "Jackass the Movie 3". Unfortunately that is about as far as he gets.

"Oh, No! I don't think so!"

"But why, Mom?"

"Because I don't like those movies and I'm not spending my money on that crap! That's why!"

"But its not your money. I'll pay you back when we get home. I promise!"

Mom lets out a hefty sigh from her sizable frame. "Fine! But you better. I don't want to hear that you don't have enough."

"Yeah, I got it. Really."

"Alright. But you can't play it when I'm home. I don't even want to see it. You hear me me? Or I'm throwing it away."

"You're not going to see it. Its not even going to leave my room..."

I have to walk away now. They're giving me a headache. I find it funny how it was A-Okay for the daughter to even concider "Dragon Tattoo" with its lovely scene of rape and how bathroom humor isn't so much the case for the son. I bet Christmas is a riot at their place.

Even though this group is rather pathetic it pales in comparission to the asshole in the parking lot on the way in.

As I walked through the throng of cars parked haphazardly about I could hear this guy yelling at his baby about do something and you could tell that he was getting angrier that the baby wasn't responding. Now here is a case where TV isn't the same as life.

I so wanted to walk over and say: "Yes I know that you see a baby around the same age that talks, uses the computer, and plays the stock market. But that is TV. No matter how hard you try your baby will never be that way."

Ah, the scenes of idiocy that one can see in a Wal-Mart..

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