Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Miami Marlins Dropped the Ball

Ah, yes. Once again it appears that one has to take a poll and make sure that they are in consensus with majority of the population before YOU [THEY] can give YOUR [THEIR] opinion.

Case in Point is one again the Ozzie Guillin debacle.


I wrote earlier about his little misstep when being interviewed by TIME when he [Guillin] said on how much he loved and respected good old boy and baseball lover, Fidel Castro. Unfortunately for Ozzie [Guillin] is that there is a large portion of Cuba that lives in Miami and lower Florida that are displaced by the man named Castro. However, I don’t think the statement warranted a five game suspension. I don’t think it warranted any truth be told.

Now, I understand that the Florida Marlins have every right to disagree with what Guillen has to say. They even have the right as owners to suspend him because of it. But lets look at the real reason why they did: TICKET SALES. That’s about the long and short of it. The owners of the Marlins were, are, worried about tickets sales dropping because of Guillin’s comments in the press. But I think that they could of really put an end to this problem with a very stern statement saying that: “While everyone has the right to their opinion and have the right to state their opinion it is in the strongest regard that the Marlins association, the team, the management, and all those concerned are in complete disagreement with what Ozzy Guillin was quoted in saying or has to say about anything other than the game of baseball. They are of his beliefs only and do not reflect the opinion of the team or of it’s owners.”

And with that, in MY OPINION, this whole stupid matter would have been swept away like the garbage it is. Now, however, this is going to be debated on everything from local news to world news to the sports world and will rear it’s ugly head at every given chance.

But on a lighter note. You know that the New Orleans Saints are the happiest people in the world right now because this take the focus off of BOUNTY GATE.

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